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Reading Groups

Some public libraries run reading groups or book clubs for interested people in their area. Each month a different book is selected, and a meeting is held at which responses to the book can be discussed. A blog for a reading group blog is useful for providing a news service for the group - the next title selected, the next meeting to be held. Additionally, if it is set up so that users can append their own comments, it can also function as a discussion area. This enables people to continue the discussion after the meeting and also provides an opportunity for house-bound people to join in the discussions.

The display above is generated by an external service (Dipity) and there may be occasions when it is not available.

The content displayed comes from external content sources via RSS feeds. UKOLN is not responsible for external content or any display problems caused by errors in the RSS feeds.

The graphical nature of the display may not be accessible to all. Details of the blogs used to create the display are also listed below.

Book Talk Bournemouth
A blog about books and book groups.

Bookstart Bear’s Blog RSS logo
Supports the Bookstart (under 5s) programme at Plymouth Libraries.

Brent Town Hall Library Reading Group RSS logo
Supports a reading group that meets monthly in the library.

Lewisham Libraries Team Read RSS logo
Supporting a summer reading challenge activity for children.

Manchester Lit List RSS logo
Literature news and events from Manchester Libraries.

Merton Libraries Blog RSS logo
An unofficial blog which supports the official web site by highlighting services. Has a focus on reading.

Read North Lincs 2008 RSS logo
Supporting the 2008 National Year of Reading at North Lincs Libraries.

Reference Books, etc. RSS logo
List of favourite reference books for starters from Lewisham Libraries.

Your Library BlogRSS logo
A blog for book lovers from Leicestershire Libraries.

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