JISC Information Environment Architecture

VLEs and the JISC IE


Technical standards | Publications | Presentations

Programmes and projects

VLE architectures

Relevent presentations

IMS Digital Repositories Interoperability
Andy Powell - December 2002
CETIS Metadata and Digital Repository Interoperability SIG, Milton Keynes
HTML: <http://www.ukoln.ac.uk/distributed-systems/jisc- ie/arch/presentations/cetis-mdrsig-2002-12/>
The JISC IE - where next?
Andy Powell - November 2002
Presentation to EDINA staff, Edinburgh
HTML: <http://www.ukoln.ac.uk/distributed-systems/jisc-ie/arch /presentations/edina-2002-11/>
The JISC Information Environment and VLEs
Andy Powell - October 2002
JISC All-projects Meeting, Nottingham
HTML: <http://www.ukoln.ac.uk/distributed-systems/j isc-ie/arch/presentations/jisc-allprojects-2002-10/>