UKOLN Events
UKOLN organises a number of high-profile events including the annual Institutional Web Management Workshop, and the biennial JISC/CNI Conference. This events service is available for internal staff and also external organisations who wish to forge links with UKOLN and make use of their expertise. If you require further information on our events activities, please contact us by email: or by phone/fax: +44 (0) 1225 386256
Forthcoming Events
9th International Digital Curation Conference: "Commodity, catalyst or change-agent? Data-driven transformations in research, education, business and society", 24 - 27 February 2014, Mission Bay Conference Centre, San Francisco (#idcc14)
RDMF10: Research data management in the Arts and Humanities, 3 - 4 September 2013, Oxford
Recent Events
IWMW 2013: Institutional Web Management Workshop: "What Next?"; 26-28 June 2013, University of Bath
Workshop on the Future Directions of Citizen Science: A full-day event looking at the work of citizen science projects and how to develop them successfully in the future; 29 May 2013, Royal Society, London
RDMF Special Event: Funding Research Data Management: "A conversation with the funders"; 25 April 2013, Birmingham
8th International Digital Curation Conference: "Infrastructure, Intelligence, Innovation: driving the Data Science agenda", 14-17 January 2013, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
RDMF9: Shaping the infrastructure: "Technology aspirations for research data management": This Research Data Management Forum will consider not only the technology solutions that are being offered but also the policies and players who are shaping them; 14 - 15 November 2012, Madingley Hall, Cambridge.
Future Citations Hackdays: A free event for those interested in the area of Citation Data Analysis, to take place over 27-28 September 2012 in Birmingham.
DCC Data Management Roadshows: The DCC roadshows are touring the regions of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland during 2012. They are designed to allow every institution in the UK to prepare for effective research data management and understand more about how the DCC can help.
The DevCSI Open Repositories Developer Challenge 2012: at OR2012, 9-12 July 2012, Edinburgh
The Institutional Web Management Workshop 2012: (IWMW 2012): 18-20 June 2012, University of Edinburgh
Dev8D 2012: A structured programme
of exceptional speakers, training sessions, innovation and exchange
for developers:
14-16 February 2012, University of London Union
CERIF Tutorial and UK Data Surgery: A free event which forms part of JISC's Research Information Management (RIM) programme in conjunction with euroCRIS and UKOLN: 9 February 2012, Bath Ventures Innovation Centre, University of Bath
7th International Digital Curation Conference: Public? Private? Personal? navigating the open data landscape: 6-7 December 2011, Bristol, UK
IMPACT/myGrid Hackathon: A free 2-day developer workshop/hackathon which aims to encourage take-up and further development of tools developed by the IMPACT Project: 14 - 15 November 2011, University of Manchester