Breakout sessions 2 & 3. Developing the standards
Session 2 & 3 Objectives
Make recommendations based on discussion
of the following questions and supporting
Where do we want to be in two years
What requirements is/are the standard(s)
designed to meet?
Should we aim for one standard?
Is this the best/most useful solution?
Are either the DC Application Profile or the RSLP suitable to be the single standard?
If not, what needs to be changed to make one of them suitable?
How should it be maintained?
Should we work with two standards?
- Is this the best/most useful solution?
- Does the DC Application Profile meet your needs? If not, why not?
- Does the RSLP Schema meet your needs? If not, why not?
- What are the technical problems working with two standards?
- Should the two standards be formally or informally linked?
- Who would own and maintain each of the standards?
Should any new version of the RSLP schema be registered with an appropriate body? (Possible candidates are RLN, JISC/CNI and NISO.)
Is there a consensus of opinion on the use of encoding schemas (for controlled vocabularies, date formats, etc.)?
- The RSLP Schema was created in 2000 and based on Dublin Core terms.
- A number of implementations have used the Schema with modification (addition of attributes or non-use of attributes or changing attribute labels for public display - often a combination of all three modifications)
- Among the additional attributes in use, some have been used by more than one implementation.
- With increasing interest in collection
description, A Dublin Core Collection
Description Working Group was set
up. This is the group that has drafted
the current DC CD Application Profile.
- The DC CD Application Profile is concerned only with collection description attributes - it omits location and agent attributes.
- THE RSLP Schema has wider set of attributes than the DC CD AP.
- If implementations increasingly diverge form the RSLP Schema, there are implications for cross-searching, re-using records, and mappings.
- If the RSLP Schema and the DC CD AP diverge, there are similar implications.