CERIF Tutorial and UK Data Surgery

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Thursday, 9 February 2012: 11.00 - 17.00
Bath Ventures Innovation Centre
Ground and First Floor
Carpenter House
The University of Bath
Broad Quay
Bath BA1 1UD
See Venue for further information on the venue and accommodation.
We are pleased to announce that registration is now open for the CERIF Tutorial and UK Data Surgery organised by UKOLN, euroCRIS and JISC. The day will comprise a CERIF tutorial followed by a data surgery in which it will be possible to examine the use of CERIF in real life scenarios - so please bring your CERIF queries and data modelling/mapping issues for discussion with euroCRIS CERIF experts. The afternoon programme will be based on the requirements of those participating.
Free Event
There is no charge for participation. This forms part of JISC's Research Information Management (RIM) programme to increase the uptake of CERIF in the UK and to support the emerging community of practice. UKOLN at University of Bath provides support for JISC RIM work.
Registration is free but please note that places are limited and early registration is advised. At least 24 hours notice of cancellation is required, otherwise a fee of £50 will be charged to recover costs.
Follow-up Meetings
This will be followed by euroCRIS Task Group meetings on Friday, 10 February
2012, 09.00-17.00.
Contact information for registration is in the euroCRIS December Newsflash.
Participation is open to all - you do not need to be a euroCRIS member.
Task Group leaders are keen to involve UK input. Note also that CERIF
expertise is not required (see agendas).
Delegate List for Thursday 9 February 2012
The list of registered delegates is currently as follows:
Delegate | Organisation |
Bo Alroe | Atira A/S |
Anne Asserson | University of Bergen |
David Baker | CASRAI |
Alex Ball | UKOLN, University of Bath |
Ailsa Ballard | BBSRC |
Albert Bokma | University of Sunderland |
David Boyd | University of Bristol |
Scott Brander | University of St Andrews |
Jonathan Breeze | Symplectic Ltd |
Niamh Brennan | Trinity College Dublin |
Josh Brown | JISC Executive |
Vasily Bunakov | STFC |
Thom Bunting | UKOLN, University of Bath |
Pablo de Castro | GrandIR |
David Chaplin | Mimas, The University of Manchester |
Anna Clements | University of St Andrews |
Geraldine Clement-Stoneham | Medical Research Council |
Nicola Cockarill | Plymouth University |
Jon Corson-Rikert | VIVO, Cornell University |
Paul Cranner | University of Sunderland |
Jan Dvorak | InfoScience Praha |
Barbara Ebert | Leuphana Universität Lüneburg |
David Ebert | Imperial College London |
Dave Elsmore | EDINA - University of Edinburgh |
Ken Evans | The ORM Foundation |
Simon Foster | University of Exeter |
Kevin Ginty | University of Sunderland |
Geert van Grootel | Flemish Government, Economy, Science and Innovation Dept |
Marieke Guy | UKOLN, University of Bath |
Dale Heenan | ESRC |
Thorsten Hoellrigl | AVEDAS AG |
Keith Jeffery | STFC |
Brigitte Jörg | DFKI, Berlin; euroCRIS CERIF Task Group leader |
Jakub Jurkiewicz | ICM, University of Warsaw |
Kevin Kiely | Trinity College Dublin |
Anna Lawson | University of the West of England (UWE), Bristol |
Gerry Lawson | Natural Environment Research Council |
Mahendra Mahey | UKOLN, University of Bath |
Hamish McAlpine | University of Bath |
Andrew McHugh | Digital Curation Centre |
Daniel Needham | Mimas - University of Manchester |
Catherine Pink | UKOLN, University of Bath |
Philip Purnell | Thomson Reuters |
Adrian Richardson | Digital Curation Centre |
Rosemary Russell | UKOLN, University of Bath |
Robert Sanderson | Natural Environment Research Council |
David Shotton | University of Oxford |
Allan Sudlow | The British Library |
Muriel Swijghuisen Reigersberg | Central School of Speech and Drama |
Stephanie Taylor | UKOLN, University of Bath |
Andy Todd | Building Blocks (UK) Ltd |
Emma Tonkin | UKOLN, University of Bath |
David Tyers | Natural Environment Research Council |
Simon Waddington | King's College London |
Jim Watts | BBSRC |
Rowan Wilson | University of Oxford |
Main Page | Programme | How to book | Venue | Presentations