Introduction | Programme | Booking Form | Venue
09.30 | Registration & refreshments |
10.15 |
Overview of the day Jo Turner: Head of Arts Education, DCMS. |
10.30 | Introduction John Newbigin: Chairman of the 24-Hour Museum. Presentation notes: [PDF] Jane Finnis: Head of the 24-Hour Museum. |
10.45 | The European Digital Library and the Ministerial
Conclusions Pat Manson: Head of Unit, Cultural Heritage and Technology Enhanced Learning, European Commission. David Dawson: Senior Policy Advisor, Museum, Libraries and Archives Council. Presentation: [Powerpoint] [HTML] |
11.00 | Digitisation in the UK: the case for a UK framework;
and the JISC/CURL report Stuart Dempster: UK Digital Collection Development. |
11.15 | Supporting the personalising learning agenda Dave Hassell, Director Educational Content, Becta. Presentation: [Powerpoint] [HTML] |
11.30 | Coffee |
11.45 | Digitisation for research in the Arts and Humanities Prof. David Robey: Director, ICT in Arts and Humanities Research Programme, AHRC. |
12.10 | The economic potential of digitisation; and the
Creative Economy Programme Phil Clapp: Deputy Director, DCMS, Creative Industries Division. |
12.30 | Lunch |
13.30 | Making Engaging Digital Projects Damian Rafferty: Development Producer, Culture Online. Presentation: [Powerpoint] [HTML] |
13.45 | Breakout sessions You will be looking at three interlinked topics: digitisation, access and preservation. |
15:15 | Coffee |
15:30 | Summary |
16.30 | Finish |
Introduction | Programme | Booking Form | Venue