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Agile Prototyping Techniques

A one day workshop exploring various paper-based agile design techniques

Watershed, 1 Canon's Road, Harbourside, Bristol, BS1 5TX.

Tuesday 23rd August, 2011

Main Page | Programme | How to book | Venue | Feedback

The workshop is aimed at developers, their managers and senior managers who are interested in a range of currently used paper based techniques. Advantages of paper-based techniques include stakeholder familiarity, direct and indirect representation, suitability for teamwork, and the ability to exploit physicality, space and location.

The day will include sessions on:
  • The use of card-based techniques in agile development
  • The use of (and co-development) of paper prototypes with users
  • The ergonomics of doing design, eg if sitting, standing, using a table surface or a wall
  • Development of sketching abilities; encompassing both paper and whiteboards
Time has also been allocated for a small number of lightning sessions where delegates can talk about projects or issues with projects that might be amenable to paper based solution.

A free lunch and refreshments will be provided.

The event is being organised and supported by the School of Computer Science, The University of Manchester and DevCSI project. The event instructor is Dr Mark van Harmelen of the
University of Manchester School of Computer Science and Hedtek Ltd.

Registration from 9am, start at 10am

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