Cloud Workshop
A one day workshop giving you an overview of Cloud technologies and showcasing examples of how the technology is used in further and higher education
Room 32-3077, EEE Building,
Highfield Campus, University of Southampton,
University Road, Southampton, SO17 1BJ
Friday May 27th 2011
Main Page | Programme | How to book | Venue | Feedback
This is a FREE one day
workshop focussing on Cloud Technology. It is
aimed at developers, web developers and systems administrators, who are
interested in Cloud technology, either to have a quick introduction or
to explore some of the more recent developments that have been taking
place in this area. The workshop will cover the basics of commercial
cloud usage. We are not planning on looking at Eucalyptus.
The day will include sessions on:
- Basics of the Cloud
- Advanced services / Snapshotting / Backups
- Examples of how Cloud services are used in further and higher education
- Cloud Security
- Amazon's Cloudfront CDN
Time has also been allocated for a number of lightning sessions where delegates can talk about projects, technologies or issues that they think other attendees will find interesting.
A free lunch and
will be provided.
The event is being organised by the DevCSI project and staff from the
University of Southampton and the University of Kent with support from
the University of Southhampton.
Workshop requirements
• A knowledge of Linux
Optional but very preferable requirements
• An Amazon AWS account
(http://aws.amazon.com/), this requires a debit or credit card. We
strongly recommend getting an
account as the workshop will be a far better
experience this way.
About DevCSI
DevCSI is about helping developers in HE to realise their full potential, by creating the conditions for them to be able to learn, to network effectively, to share ideas and to collaborate, creating a 'community' of HE developers which is greater than the sum of its parts. So with every developer employed in a Higher Education Institution in the UK comes a wealth of talent and experience. The developer benefits. Higher Education benefits. The main thrust of DevCSI activity currently is to run and/or sponsor events for and by developers and to encourage a community to form around these shared activities. DevCSI is managed by UKOLN and funded by the JISC. For more details, see: http://devcsi.ukoln.ac.uk
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