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An exploration of the methodology, costs and benefits of pair programming

The Innovation Centre, University of Exeter,
Rennes Drive, Exeter EX4 4RN

Tuesday 19 Jan 2010

Main Page | Programme | How to book | Venue


0930 - 1000
Registration and Coffee
10.00 - 1030 Introduction
1030 - 1130 Pair Programming exercise (in pairs)
1130 - 1145 Feedback
1145 - 1215 Pair Programming Challenge - Introduction
1215 - 1300
Pair Programming Challenge
1300 - 1400
1400 - 1500 Pair Programming Challenge
1500 - 1515
Coffee Break
1515 - 1600 Pair Programming Challenge
1600 - 1645 Debate and Discussion: Can or should you pair program under pressure and could it produce more reusable code?
1645 - 1700 Conclusion