Reading List / Library Software Hacking
A two day event investigating the interoperability between reading list
software and other software systems
The Møller Centre
Management Training and Conference Centre
Storey's Way
Thursday 22nd and Friday 23rd July 2010
Main Page | Programme | How to book | Venue
This is a free two day DevCSI workshop (inlcudes free accommodation) organised in conjunction with the Telstar and List8D projects which hopes to bring together software developers, project managers, librarians and users particularly in Education (though not exclusively) who are interested in how reading list software or reading list solutions could work with other software such as library systems, management information systems and various reference management solutions. Developers and users rarely have opportunities to experiement in a focussed way on hacking systems together, explore current ways of doing things and how they could be improved.
We are inviting developers and 'users' to work together in a unique event where teams of people will work on getting reading list software such as 'List8D', 'Telstar' and other such software to 'work' or 'interoperate' with other systems by using 'hacks' or what ever methods that work. Events like these are sometimes called 'Hack Days'. We will be encouraging developers to talk about the systems they have created and how they can be manipulated to work with other systems such as library management systems.We hope these teams will come up with some imaginative and innovative ideas. The event will culminate in a series of presentations from the teams in terms of the work they have carried out.
Places are limited, so book early, and don't miss this end of term library hack event.
Tag for event
Please note, the tag for this event is:
You may also like to discuss what you might be doing at the event by joining the:
JISCmail email list which has has recently been started and has
almost 300 members already.
You will be able to follow announcements about the event via twitter (as well as feeds from blogs and websites etc) by searching for the above tag. If you are new to twitter, please visit, http://www.twitter.com and create an account for yourself. We will be using technologies like this frequently, before, during and after the event.
If you require a twitter client (software to keep up to date with the latest twitters), several can be found at http://www.twitstat.com/twitterclientusers.html.