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Highways and Byways in the
Professor Maxwell Irvine, Vice-Chancellor. University of Birmingham and Chairman
of JISC.
An introduction to the JISC plans for the next generation of broadband width academic super highways.
NSF Support for International Collaborations in Digital Libraries and Information Technology
Mike Lesk, Natonal Science Foundation and Telcordia Technologies
This talk will review
current topics in digital library research, with emphasis on the opportunities
and needs for international projects. We need collaborations across national
boundaries to demonstrate that such projects benefit both participants,
and to prove the advantages of collaboration over pointless competition
in such areas as standards, archiving, and to exploit complementary skills
across nations. International research can also help with problems such
as copyright, economics, and education where different national systems
are involved. NSF and JISC already fund a set of joint projects, and NSF
is negotiating with other countries and the EU to extend international cooperation
in digital libraries. We are still seeking the right kind of incentives
and structures to best encourage top researchers to engage in international
From the virtual map library to Geospatial Digital Libraries – EDINA Digimap and beyond
Dr. David Medyckyi Scott, EDINA Service Manager
EDINA is a JISC-funded
national datacentre that offers the UK tertiary education and research community
networked access to a library of data, information and research resources.
Digimap is a new Web based service offered by EDINA providing online access
to Ordnance Survey (GB) digital map datasets. As well as exploring the history
and background of the Digimap service, this talk will look at how we see
Digimap developing and its relationship to other geo-related projects being
undertaken by EDINA and others within the Distributed National Electronic
Resource (DNER). The talk will end by comparing these developments to the aspirations of the Alexandria Digital Library Project and its successor, the Alexandria Digital Earth Prototype (ADEPT).
NSF/JISC Project Report. London Redivivus: Automatic Integration of a City-Scale Digital Library
Gregory Crane, Professor in Classics, Tufts University
The Perseus Digital
Library has been an electronic version of the Bolles Archive on the History
and Topography of London and its Environs, a collection of books, maps and
illustrations in the Tufts University Library. This paper will describe
the ways in which we have structured the various categories of information
to complement each other. In particular, our goal has been to extract key
information from the constituent parts to create an automatically integrated
environment with rich links between geospatial, textual and visual information.
The collection currently includes 10,000 images, a dozen georeferenced maps,
and 5 million words of documentary information and we expect these holdings
to increase substantially over the coming months. Descriptions of London
ranging from Stowe's Survey to Booth's four volume description of poverty
in London have been digitized and are being prepared for publication. The
one volume abstract of the Dictionary of National Biography has been entered
to provide an authority list for personal names. Various sources are providing
geographic data. The presentation will focus on the problems of structure
and organization.
Architectural Directions for
Distributed Geolibraries
Greg Janee, US Alexandria Project UC Santa Barbara
How can distributed,
heterogeneous, georeferenced information be discovered? Accessed? Managed?
This talk will examine the Alexandria Digital Library's old and new solutions
to such problems.
UK/EU Developments in Intellectual Property
Charles Oppenheim, Professor of Information Science, Loughborough University
The paper considers three areas of development in intellectual property law in the UK and EU potentially relevant to JISC. The first is the EU draft Directive on copyright and related rights, which is currently held up at its final stages; the second is the development of the eCLA digitisation licence scheme; and the third is the development of domain name issues.
Middleware and Advanced Technologies
Ken Klingenstein, Project Director, Internet2 Middleware Initiative
Advanced technologies
are having a profound effect on our economic and cultural systems. The rise
of middleware will bring new and unforeseen consequences. This talk will
focus on some technology design principles that have emerged over the last
fifteen years and their considerable societal impacts. It will offer some
observations on how future decisions in advanced technologies and middleware
may affect our basic values. The talk will rely heavily on clichés.
SMETE. Towards a Federated Digital Library for Science, Mathematics Engineering and Technology Education Digital Library. www.smete.org
Alice Agogino, Professor, University of California Berkeley
Our vision for the SMETE Digital Library at www.smete.org is a learning space with horizontal and vertical integration of disciplinary collections, services and targeted research. www.smete.org has entered into an alliance with twenty partner organizations, encompassing disciplinary collections, educational institutions, industry and non-profit organizations. The intent of this alliance is to establish a national digital library for SMET education that is much more than a static information repository; the alliance intends to create a dynamic learning community that promotes and supports SMET education in the 21st century. Www.smete.org will be a place where members of the community of learners interact with one another to develop, locate, use and discuss digital resources that enhance teaching and learning. The SMETE community will be provided with seamless access to partner collections and shared services to support both novices and experts in technology-enhanced learning in their classrooms, in their coursework, across disciplines and with each other.
Lee Zia, Programme Director, National Science Foundation
In this session we will
report on a new National Science Foundation (NSF) Initiative, the National
Science, Mathematics, Engineering, and Technology Education Digital Library
(NSDL) Program. A short description of the vision and goals of the program
will be presented, along with a synopsis of related projects in the area
on which the NSDL Program is built. We will also provide an update on the
portfolio of proposals currently under consideration for support in the
initial funding cycle. Finally, we will share observations and outcomes
from a pilot project that is developing functional aspects of a digital
library for SMET education.
EASY - electronic Inter Library
Loan Pilot for UKHE.
Lyn Norris Technical Director, ingenta plc
In January 2000, ingenta
and Lancaster University were awarded the contract to deliver the electronic
inter library loan pilot for UKHE under the auspices of the JISC and the
Publishers' Association. The project will bring together the electronic
journal articles held in the ingentaJournals service with the Inter Library
Loan product ILLOS developed by the University of Lancaster. This combined
service will provide a pilot service for UKHE to deliver electronic
articles through the ILL channels. A key element of the project will be
the licence under which these articles will be delivered. Publisher acceptance
of this licence will be crucial to the
success of the project.
SPARC: Sparking worldwide action in the journals market
Alison Buckholtz, Assistant Director/ Communications, SPARC
SPARC and its UK-based
partners, Royal Society of Chemistry, Institute of Physics, and Geometry
& Topology, will discuss the ways SPARC has changed the journals landscape
with its emphasis on competition in the scientific communication marketplace.
Michael Hannant, Royal Society of Chemistry
My talk will focus on
the SPARC-endorsed RSC journals, PhysChemComm and Geochemical Transactions.
I will talk about the content of the journals, their innovative elements
and how SPARC support has helped and is helping the journals become established
with researchers.
John Haynes, Institute of Physics Publishing
The presentation will
describe the motivation for launching New Journal of Physics (www.njp.org),
an on-line general physics journal available free of charge to readers and
funded by an article charge on authors. The presentation will also summarise
the current situation and describe the response from authors, readers and
librarians. It is hoped that there will be time for discussion of key questions,
for example:
· Authorship - what are authors paying for?
· Will this model appeal to other disciplines?
· Will research bodies allocate specific funds for publication in NJP-type
· Archive and long-term preservation. Who will do this and how? Is the article
charge enough to cover this? If not, who will pay?
· How can libraries support NJP and encourage authors to publish there?
Colin Rourke, Geometry and Topology
"Geometry and Topology" is a primarily electronic journal with a.paper edition published at 10c (US) per page plus handling on an annual basis.
I shall describe the
circumstances which lead us to start the journal and I shall give a brief
description of its organisation.
Integrated environments for learners – are we there yet?
Professor John Slater, PVC Learning and Teaching, University of Kent, Canterbury
To meet government aims
of improved retention, higher quality and widening access, it is increasingly
recognised that educational establishments need to improve the information
available not only to learners about their progress but also to academic,
administrative and support people. To do this one needs to bring together
administrative, social, academic, and support data.
This leads to the concept of an Integrated Environment for Learners. Systems
need for instance to prompt learners.about deadlines, remind them of their
timetable, allow access to data and resources on demand, and identify problems
ahead. At the moment there is little available but pilots are underway.
IMS Project: Eliminating Digital
Ed Walker, Chief Executive Officer, IMS
The IMS Global Learning
Consortium is rapidly developing implementable specifications for distributed
learning resources and promoting their world wide use in products and services.
This talk will discuss the IMS role in standards evolution, report on released
specifications, and describe on-going work.
Archives and Access in the
Electronic Era: Are We Coming to a Fork in the
Kevin Guthrie, President JSTOR
In the print medium, providing access to information required that one also
own or possess that information and store it locally. In order to continue
to provide access to a book, manuscript or journal, one had to take responsibility
for preserving and protecting it. With the advent of electronic technologies
and developing network infrastructure, it is theoretically possible for
the responsibility for preservation to be distinct from the responsibility
for providing access. What are the implications of such a separation for
various constituents involved in the scholarly communications process? Is
it possible to imagine a sustainable scenario in which the entities
responsible for storing information are separate and distinct from those delivering access to it?
These and related questions
will be explored from the perspective of JSTOR, a not-for-profit organization
with a mission to provide access to an enduring archive.
Taking the British Library Forward in the 21st Century
Lynne Brindley, Pro-Vice-Chancellor, Leeds University and Chief Executive Designate of the British Library
The talk aims to share some early thoughts and messages about directions at the British Library; it will describe some important initiatives for engagement; and set these in the context of the overall theme of the conference – digital coherence, collaboration and international developments. Themes will include e-strategy, the contribution of curators, widening public access to the British Library’s collections, and collaboration and partnership, particularly with the higher education community.
Enhancing Access to the Internet
for Learning, Teaching and Research: The Resource Discovery Network
Justine Kitchen, Information and Training Manager, Resource Discovery Network
This workshop session will:
Outline the background to the emergence of the RDN
Demonstrate the service and its current development
Provide a vision of the RDN's future as a national network of subject portals, providing rich entry points to the JISC's emerging managed learning environment: the DNER (Distributed National Electronic Resource)
Emma Place, Research Officer, Institute for Learning and Research Technology, University of Bristol
The RDN Virtual Training
Suite aims to enhance the value of the RDN for the learning and teaching
communities. It comprises a series of subject-based tutorials delivered
over the World Wide Web. The tutorials offer "any time, any place" training
by supporting independent, self-paced learning over the Web. There are quizzes
and exercises to lighten the learning experience. Many people know how to
make good use of a traditional library but have not yet got to grips
with how to make good use of a virtual library. The RDN Virtual Training
Suite covers the key information skills for the new Internet environment.
The tutorials enable lecturers and students to:
- TOUR key Internet resources for their subject
- DISCOVER tools and techniques for Internet searching
- REVIEW the critical thinking required when using information found on
the Internet
- REFLECT on practical ways to use the Internet to support learning and
The RDN Virtual Training suite can be used as a "teach yourself" resource
or as a tool for lecturers and trainers wanting to teach their students
Internet information skills.
Moving Images & Multimedia Content and Rights in the UK
Jeremy Atkinson Head of Learning Resources Centre, University of Glamorgan.Chair of JISC Moving Pictures & Sound Working Group
Charles Oppenheim, Professor of Information Science, Loughborough University
The session will survey the contents, rights and delivery issues highlighted in the JISC-funded Imagination/Universities Network Pilot project on networking moving images and examine how these are being taken forward in the work of the JISC Moving Images & Sound Working Group,
including the setting
up of two national services - the Managing Agent and Advisory Service for
Moving Pictures and Sound. The work of the sister committee, the JISC Multimedia
Rights Working Group, will also be outlined.
Rights Standards for Electronic Books
Thomas R.Diaz, Product Development Glassbook Inc
The electronic book is a huge business opportunity for
the bookselling industry and related technology companies, but it presents
special requirements for rights management. We need
standards that allow
interoperability with reasonable security, and we need them to reflect both
current and future practices in book publishing, selling, and lending.
Assessment of Cost, Quality,
and Value in University IT Services
Christopher Peebles, Associate Vice President and Dean for Information Technology,
Professor of Anthropology, Indiana University
Information Technology (IT) has become an essential element in all aspects of higher education. No longer is research computing (High Performance Computing) the flagship service, although it remains a significant part of the IT portfolio. Instead there is e-commerce and student recruitment through the WWW; there is pervasive student computing, electronic delivery of courses, and Internet connectivity for the entire university community; there is massive data storage, digital libraries, and copyright issues. There are the various support services that make IT useable in the business, and scholarship of the university. Given the large and increasing share of the higher education budget consumed by IT, several questions are worth asking: What IT services are actually produced? How much do these IT services cost? Are the costs for these services reasonable? Are they competitive with the private sector? Do customers for these services (faculty, students, staff, and those outside the university) perceive them to be of high quality? What value do these IT services add to the mission and operation of the university? Methods and measures exist that can answer these questions. Indiana University has pursued a program of cost, quality, and value management and improvement of IT services for a bit more than a decade. An overview of this assessment effort and its benefits will be presented in the context of what has come to be called The Balanced Scorecard.
Digital Preservation in UK Higher Education and Beyond
Neil Beagrie, JISC Digital Preservation Focus
Preserving the intellectual
and cultural heritage being generated in electronic formats is one of the
greatest challenges facing libraries over the next decade. The challenges
are not only technological but organisational requiring collaboration between
many different stakeholders and institutions.
Within the UK and internationally, the Joint Information Systems Committee
has been one of the leading agencies in this field. In June 2000, following
the recommendations of the Warwick II
workshop, it established
the post of JISC Digital Preservation Focus with the aims of:
* developing a long-term retention strategy for digital materials of relevance
to Higher and Further Education institutions in the UK
* providing a UK focus for the development of practices, policies and strategies for the preservation of digital materials
* generating support,
collaborative working, and inter-working with appropriate agencies worldwide
This paper addresses the work of this new post and the challenges and opportunities
The Distributed National Electronic Resource Programme
From eLib to the DNER'
Lorcan Dempsey, DNER Programme Director
This paper will introduce the motivation for the DNER initiative, will describe some current activities which will implement it, and will outline some of the technical and service issues involved in further development. It will discuss how the DNER will support evolving needs within higher and further education over coming years.
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