The JISC/CNI Meeting: Transforming the User Experience

Hastings Europa Hotel, Belfast
10-11 July 2008
Following the success of previous conferences held in Brighton and York, The Joint Information Systems Committee (JISC) and the Coalition for Networked Information (CNI) are proud to announce the 7th International Meeting that will be held at the Europa Hastings Hotel, Belfast on 10 and 11 July 2008.
The meeting will bring together experts from the United States, Europe and the United Kingdom. Parallel sessions will explore and contrast major developments that are happening on both sides of the Atlantic. It should be of interest to all senior management in information systems in the education community and those responsible for delivering digital services and resources for learning, teaching and research.
The main conference will open at 09.45hrs on Thursday 10 July and will close at 15.00hrs on Friday 11 July. Conference keynote speakers include:
- Diana G. Oblinger, President and CEO, EDUCAUSE
- Conor Galvin, Lecturer and Researcher, University College Dublin
- Sir David Melville, Chair of the UK Committee of Inquiry into the Student Experience
- Clifford Lynch, Executive Director, CNI
- Malcolm Read, Executive Secretary, JISC
Topics for parallel sessions include:
- International digitisation projects
- Electronic content developments
- Learning spaces
- Repositories
- Student experience
The residential delegate fee includes refreshments and lunch on 10 and 11 July, a place at the conference dinner on 10 July, overnight accommodation on 10 July and breakfast for one person.
Residential delegate rate is £375 before 12 May and £450 after 12 May.
Day delegate rate on 10 July (includes refreshments, lunch and conference dinner) is £160
Day delegate on 11 July (includes refreshments and lunch) is £90
N.B. When booking extra nights accommodation directly with the hotel (as explained on the booking form) please ensure that you state that you are attending and will be paying the arranged conference rate for your extra night(s).
Further information
If you have any questions regarding the meeting, Belfast or the hotel please contact Natasha Bishop at:
University of Bath
Bath BA2 7AY
Tel: +44 (0) 1225 38 6256
Fax: +44 (0) 1225 38 6838