JISC Research Information Management (RIM) Projects Final Event
A major conference showcasing the work of the second round of RIM Projects.
Weston 2, Manchester Conference Centre, Weston Building, Sackville Street, Manchester, M1 3BB, UK.
Tuesday 20th September, 2011.
Main Page | Programme | How to book | Venue | Evaluation Form
This is a FREE one day event organised by JISC and
UKOLN which aims to showcase the work of the following JISC funded
Research Information Management Strand 2 fnal projects:
Details of each project can be found below:
CERIFy - UKOLN, University of Bath and Trinity College Dublin
The project aims to increase engagement of the UK HE and commercial
sectors with the Common European Research Information Format (CERIF)
and Current Research Information Systems (CRISs) to a critical mass,
and to support an emerging community of practice in Research
Information Management (RIM). It will evaluate, test and demonstrate
CERIF with four pilot UK HE institutions and one international
commercial organisation (Thomson Reuters), which do not have working
CRIS systems based on the CERIF data format, in a practical,
'end-to-end' process of people-centred organisational modelling,
requirements elicitation, data analysis, data mapping, data exchange,
and software demonstration, together with a programme of training,
support, evaluation and dissemination. Thomson Reuters will ‘CERIFy’
their cutting-edge commercial service InCites: to enable two- way,
interoperable, CERIF-compliant data exchange with the project's CRIS
instances; to add value to validated institution-specific data; and to
provide a valuable new view on current institutional research outputs.
This project will examine the potential for encoding systematic and structured information on research impact in the context of the CERIF schema. The project will build on previous work on impact by producing a comprehensive set of indicators which will then be mapped both to the CERIF standard and the CERIF4REF schema created by the previous Readiness for REF (R4R) project. Work will be undertaken in conjunction with EUROCRIS to incorporate any necessary additions that are highlighted by this project into CERIF itself. The suggested set of indicators will then be tested against pre-existing research information and will be incorporated into the data models of live systems: these will form case studies to test the feasibility of the approach.
Integrated Research Input and Output System (IRIOS) - Univesity of
Sunderland, University of Glasgow, University of St Andrews, NERC,
EPSRC and euroCRIS
The project aims to develop a proof of concept demonstrator based on the Universities for the North East Information System (UNIS) platform for a CERIF compliant “grants on the web” system for Research Council (RC) funded projects. UNIS is a collaborative project management system which has been developed over 15 years, funded by the 6 partner organisations (Universities of Durham, Newcastle, Northumbria, Teesside and Sunderland, and the Open University in the North). The 3 HEI partners will then validate this grant data and subsequently attempt to link research output (publications) data to these projects.
RCUK are currently migrating to a shared service centre (SSC) for the grant management process, and the RCUK Information Management Group has also supported the CERIF standard. This proposal will accelerate the shared usage of CERIF by the Research Councils and Research Organisations (ROs) alike by providing access to information on RC funded projects in CERIF format and linking grants to publications to provide added value.
- Brunel Research Under a CERIF Environment (BRUCE) - Brunel University
- CERIFy - UKOLN, University of Bath
- Measuring Impact under CERIF (MICE) - Centre for e-Reseach (CeRch), Kings College London
- Integrated Research Input and Output System (IRIOS) - University of Sunderland
Details of each project can be found below:
BRUCE - Brunel University
Brunel Research Information Management aims to expand the community of HEIs that are using CERIF by developing a prototype tool, based on CERIF that will facilitate the analysis and reporting of research information from data sources that are already in use at the majority of HEIs. The tool will enable institutions to produce a range of reports on their existing research management information for use both internally (e.g. for promotion panels, appraisal, equal opportunity monitoring, etc) and externally (e.g. in preparation for the REF). The project will also explore the scope for the service to be used to enable benchmarking (e.g. of research impact) and joint working (e.g. collaborative research bids) within the community.CERIFy - UKOLN, University of Bath and Trinity College Dublin
The project aims to increase engagement of the UK HE and commercial
sectors with the Common European Research Information Format (CERIF)
and Current Research Information Systems (CRISs) to a critical mass,
and to support an emerging community of practice in Research
Information Management (RIM). It will evaluate, test and demonstrate
CERIF with four pilot UK HE institutions and one international
commercial organisation (Thomson Reuters), which do not have working
CRIS systems based on the CERIF data format, in a practical,
'end-to-end' process of people-centred organisational modelling,
requirements elicitation, data analysis, data mapping, data exchange,
and software demonstration, together with a programme of training,
support, evaluation and dissemination. Thomson Reuters will ‘CERIFy’
their cutting-edge commercial service InCites: to enable two- way,
interoperable, CERIF-compliant data exchange with the project's CRIS
instances; to add value to validated institution-specific data; and to
provide a valuable new view on current institutional research outputs.Measuring Impact under CERIF (MICE) - Centre for e-Reseach (CeRch), Kings College London
http://mice.cerch.kcl.ac.uk/This project will examine the potential for encoding systematic and structured information on research impact in the context of the CERIF schema. The project will build on previous work on impact by producing a comprehensive set of indicators which will then be mapped both to the CERIF standard and the CERIF4REF schema created by the previous Readiness for REF (R4R) project. Work will be undertaken in conjunction with EUROCRIS to incorporate any necessary additions that are highlighted by this project into CERIF itself. The suggested set of indicators will then be tested against pre-existing research information and will be incorporated into the data models of live systems: these will form case studies to test the feasibility of the approach.
Integrated Research Input and Output System (IRIOS) - Univesity of
Sunderland, University of Glasgow, University of St Andrews, NERC,
EPSRC and euroCRIS
http://www.irios.sunderland.ac.uk/The project aims to develop a proof of concept demonstrator based on the Universities for the North East Information System (UNIS) platform for a CERIF compliant “grants on the web” system for Research Council (RC) funded projects. UNIS is a collaborative project management system which has been developed over 15 years, funded by the 6 partner organisations (Universities of Durham, Newcastle, Northumbria, Teesside and Sunderland, and the Open University in the North). The 3 HEI partners will then validate this grant data and subsequently attempt to link research output (publications) data to these projects.
RCUK are currently migrating to a shared service centre (SSC) for the grant management process, and the RCUK Information Management Group has also supported the CERIF standard. This proposal will accelerate the shared usage of CERIF by the Research Councils and Research Organisations (ROs) alike by providing access to information on RC funded projects in CERIF format and linking grants to publications to provide added value.
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