Rapid Innovation in Development
City of Manchester Stadium Conference Centre
Thursday 3 - Friday 4 September 2009
The Rapid Innovation in Development event is being organised by UKOLN and will be held over 2 days, from Thursday 3rd to Friday 4th September 2009, in Manchester. This event is invitation only, and there is NO registration fee and one night's accomodation will be provided free of charge for eligible guests.
The main audiences for this event are:
- Software developers from the recently funded JISC Rapid Innovation
Projects in the Information Environment Programme
http://www.jisc.ac.uk/whatwedo/programmes/inf11.aspx and http://www.netvibes.com/amcgregor/tab/inf11#inf11 - Invited guests who are developers or innovators either working on (or were/are hoping to work on) other rapid innovation projects in education, industry or elsewhere
We hope the event will follow an exciting, fun and intense format, very much in the spirit of recent Dev8D gatherings which promoted collaboration and creativity across different areas of research. Indeed, we are working very closely with the organisers of Dev8D in the planning for this event.
What will happen at the event?
The main objective of the event is that you will be given the opportunity to explore ways in which you can sell and market your projects/ideas more effectively to wider audiences in order to get more people interested in using your software / or listening and understanding your ideas better. The format for the event is very interactive. For example, during the first day, you will be expected to give a 45 second verbal summary either of your project, an idea or what you are currently working on and no powerpoints allowed!
There will be ‘lightning talks’ and ‘show and tell sessions’ delivered by renowned experts and guru developers in the area of rapid software application development. These sessions will cover ideas in the ‘now’, will be very focused and to the point with an opportunity for questions and discussion.
There will also be plenty of opportunities to:
- Network with familiar and new colleagues
- Explore avenues for co-operation
- Share and brainstorm new ideas
- Showcase some of the work you are doing (e.g. examine each other’s code and brainstorm)
- Most importantly have a bit of fun!
There will be bloggers and media experts who are there to help you in communicating more effectively to a wide audience and who will also be recording the outputs of the event e.g. interviews, live blogging, and creating pod/vod casts throughout the two days.
Please note, the tag for this event is:
You will be able to follow announcements about the event via twitter (as well as feeds from blogs and websites etc) by searching for the above tag. If you are new to twitter, please visit, http://www.twitter.com and create an account for yourself, we will be using technologies like this frequently, before, during and after the event.
If you require a twitter client (software to keep up to date with the latest twitters), several can be found at http://www.twitstat.com/twitterclientusers.html.