Mashed Library
Birkbeck College, University of London
Malet Street, Bloomsbury, London WC1E 7HX
Thursday 27 November 2008
Organised by Imperial College London, sponsored and co-ordinated by UKOLN.
About the Event
This informal event is a chance to meet others involved in Library Technology and related fields such as metadata, search, etc. Inspired by the Mashed Museums event, the day will give the opportunity for you to discuss ideas, share visions, and hopefully actually develop some stuff.
All you need to take part is some enthusiasm for exploiting technology in the Library and Information world.
To see and discuss further details of the day, the technology that might be used, and ideas for development, please see http://mashedlibrary.ning.com/
This event is free of charge
Please register your place at this event by completing the Booking Form. The closing date for bookings is Friday 14 November 2008.