UKOLN Open Archives Meeting

Developing an agenda for institutional e-print archives

Wednesday 11th July

Institute of Mechanical Engineers

No.1 Birdcage Walk, London


09.30-10.30 Registration and Coffee
10.30-10.40 Welcome - Chair: Sheila Corrall
10.40-11.00 General Introduction - Catherine Grout, DNER
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11.00-12.00 History and background: OAI, Past, Present and Future. Michael L. Nelson, University of North Carolina
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12.00-12.45 History and background: UK - the potential of institutional e-print archives - Stevan Harnad, University of Southampton
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Article - For Whom the Gate Tolls?
12.45-14.00 Lunch
14.00-14.20 Institutional issues: Why research libraries need open archives - Paul Ayris, University College, London
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14.20-14.45 Setting up an Institutional Archive- What is involved? - Chris Rusbridge and William Nixon, University of Glasgow.
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Article - Setting up an institutional ePrints archive - what is involved?
14.45-15.00 Open Archive Forum: European Support for Open Archive Activity - Rachel Heery, UKOLN, University of Bath
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15.00-15.30 Tea
15.30-16.15 Moderated discussion: What could usefully be done to take matters forward? - Jan Wilkinson, University Librarian, University of Leeds
16.15-16.30 Closing remarks -Chair: Sheila Corrall
Introduction Booking Form Programme