SUETr Multi Media Deposits Event
York St John University, York, YO31 7EX
Monday 30 March 2009
Initially, many institutional repositories focused on research content and that tended to lead to text-based deposits. Now, though, as repositories settle into the framework of the institution, many more demands are being made on the IR manager to handle sound/music, moving image and still image files within the repository. 21st-century research is no longer purely text-based but incorporates many different ways of transmitting and capturing information as part of academic research. In addition, as the brief of the IR expands to include supporting deposits of theses or linking in to VLEs, the lines are becoming blurred between teaching and learning objects and research deposits. And again, this is prompting an increase in non-text-based items coming into the IR.
This event offers a practical approach to multimedia deposits, looking at handling non-text-based files, copyright implications and other issues surrounding still and moving images, music/sound and teaching and learning objects.
The day will be a mixture of case studies and practical workshops.
There will also be time in the day to network with other IR staff and with the speakers.
More details and updates can be found via the event wiki http://suetr.wikispaces.com/
The event will take place at York St John University, Lord Mayor's Walk, York. YO31 7EX.
A map and travel information will be available from the event wiki at http://suetr.wikispaces.com/
Online booking is available. There is no charge to attend the event but an administration fee of £50 will be charged for a “no-show”(replacement delegates will be accepted). Numbers are limited therefore preference will be given to participants who are (or were) part of a JISC SUE project.