SUETr Repository Policy Event
The National Library of Wales, Aberystwyth, Ceredigion, Wales, SY23 3BU
Wednesday 18 February 2009
Policies are integral to the creation and development of any successful IR. A well-thought-out approach to creating and developing policy documents creates a firm base on which to build an IR.
Strong policies -
- reflect the aims of the IR within the institution
- integrate the repository into the institution
- engage senior management
Policies also guide IR staff in areas such as
- IPR/copyright
- takedown strategy
- other of the more practical aspects of running an IR
This day aims to facilitate the sharing of information on policy. The first part of the day will showcase many different approaches to policy from a wide spectrum of institutions.
The second part of the day will involve a led workshop on the creating and ongoing development of IR policy.
Delegates are welcome to bring along examples of policy documents or specific questions for use in the workshop session.
There will also be time in the day to network with other IR staff and with the speakers.
More details and updates can be found via the event wiki http://suetr-rp.wikispaces.com
The event will take place at the National Library of Wales, Aberystwyth, Ceredigion, Wales, SY23 3BU
A map and travel information will be available from the event wiki at http://suetr-rp.wikispaces.com
Online booking is available. There is no charge to attend the event but an administration fee of £50 will be charged for a "no-show" (replacement delegates will be accepted). Numbers are limited therefore preference will be given to participants who are (or were) part of a JISC SUE project.