A National Research Data Service for the UK ?
An International Conference on the UK Research Data Service Feasibility Study
The Royal Society, London
26 February 2009
Effective management and curation of digital research data are crucial parts of the research process.
There are several national and international services for research data management, including the UK Data Archive, NERC’s data centres, and the European Bioinformatics Institute. But there are significant gaps in the UK’s provision, and data volumes are growing rapidly.
The UKRDS feasibility study was commissioned to explore a range of models for the provision of a national infrastructure for digital research data management. It has brought together key stakeholders, including the Research Councils, JISC, HEFCE, British Library, Research Information Network, Wellcome Trust, researchers, and university IT and library managers, and it builds on the work of the OSI e-infrastructure group, which reported in 2007.
The UKRDS report makes important recommendations for investment in this key part of the national e-infrastructure.
The study has been funded by HEFCE as part of its Shared Services programme, with additional support from JISC, Research Libraries UK and the Russell Group IT Directors (RUGIT). It has been led by the London School of Economics, with Serco plc as consultants.
Join key decision makers at this conference to discuss the outcomes of the UKRDS feasibility study, to look at international developments in the management of research data, and to explore the next steps.