The Workstation is the Library:
The Information Workstation as Interface to the Digital Library

This Is Not A Librarian
Sarah Prown, Yale University

If the scholar's workstation has become the library, where are the librarians? As a site on the World Wide Web, the Yale University Library Research Workstation extends the library's collections and services from a physical location in New Haven, Connecticut to an information service station on the web. Students, faculty, staff, and off-campus researchers now have 24 hour access to the library from any computer on the internet. How do we provide library services in this new environment? This paper examines how the tradional roles of the reference librarian - including research assistance and instruction - are being transformed by the arrival of the scholar's workstation.

Workshop Programme

Content by Hazel Gott
Web page by Isobel Stark of UKOLN
Page last revised on: 05-Mar-1997