The London Colloquium [working title - any Principles will come from the next meeting]


An International Seminar on National Digital Cultural Content Creation Strategies

London, 17 - 18 July 2001


For the first time, a group of decision makers and policy developers for strategic content development in memory organisations across Europe, New Zealand, Canada and the USA met to discuss issues of mutual interest.  There was considerable agreement on the benefits of immediate information sharing, and a number of areas were identified where collaboration would be of immense value and mutual benefit. The group identified a number of initial activities.


Position statements


The group will draft a number of focussed position statements, seeking to identify key issues and to provide a strong policy support across these. The group will begin by drafting the following statements:-


·          The relevance and value of cultural content creation to society.

Action: RLG - Tony Gill [DUE 31 December 2001]

·          The importance and urgency of problems around digital preservation

Action: RLG - Tony Gill [DUE 31 December 2001]

·          The issues surrounding the protection and exploitation of IPR in the Networked environment.

Action: NINCH - David Green [DUE 31 December 2001]



Strategic policy research


The group has identified a number of common issues where early information sharing will inform the development of further position statements, or indicate the urgent need for a co-ordinated approach to research. The following areas were identified at this initial stage:-


·          Usage surveys, market analysis, impact research and identification of latent demand

Action: Resource - Chris Batt [DUE 1 February 2002]

·          Economic and business factors informing sustainability models

Action: Canadian Heritage [DUE 1 February 2002]

·          National content creation policies to identify common pan-national issues

Action: UKOLN/Resource - Paul Miller/ David Dawson [DUE 1 February 2002]

·          Objectives, criteria and results of major content creation programmes

Action: UKOLN/Resource - Paul Miller/ David Dawson [DUE 1 February 2002]

·          Objectives, criteria and results of relevant major technical research programmes

Action: CIMI [DUE 1 February 2002]





The group identified the following as an initial key action:-


Technical standards

·          Gathering existing technical standards, policy documents, best practice guidelines.

·          Consider UKOLN Architectures Study as a possible conceptual model for enabling and scoping comparison

·          Analysing commonalities and identifying potential for harmonisation

Action: UKOLN - Paul Miller [DUE 1 February 2002]


Working together

The group identified the following as activities that would enable international collaboration


·          Circulate a report on the meeting to invitees

Action: UKOLN, Resource, CIMI [DONE -]

·          Extract key actions for publication and disseminate to community by September 2001

Action: UKOLN - Paul Miller to draft article as a basis for submission by participants to a number of channels [DONE -]

·          Commitment of the group to circulate draft documents, to review and agree final text, and to meet again by March 2002

Action: All. Coordinated by UKOLN, CIMI and Resource [IN PROGRESS]

·          Establish email discussion list, with moderated membership, to discuss the outcomes and actions of the meeting

Action: UKOLN  [DONE]


Document last modified 18 December 2001