The only real travel this month was to Canada, for a week. Whilst there, I attended an evaluation of the CIMI Institute's worldwide programme of Dublin Core tutorial workshops, gave a presentation to the CIDOC conference, attended CIMI's quarterly test bed meetings, discussed the future development of the Bath Profile and looked at taking an interoperable approach to a major funding programme emerging from Heritage Canada, and encompassing the National Library, the archives, and CHIN.
The Interoperability at the Coalface event in November has been announced, and registrations are open. We need nearly 80 people to sign up to meet costs, so advertise widely...!
Personnel down in Bath have advertised for an Interoperability Research Officer, with a closing date for applications of 8 September... This individual will be employed for 2 years, and may be based here in Hull. With luck, we can work together to make the backlog smaller, and to more actively disseminate some of this stuff.