Executive summary: This document is an attempt to provide some background on preservation metadata for those interested in digital preservation. It first attempts to explain why preservation metadata is seen as an essential part of most digital preservation strategies. It then gives a broad overview of the functional and information models defined in the Reference Model for an Open Archival Information System (OAIS) and describes the main elements of the Cedars outline preservation metadata specification. The next sections take a brief look at related metadata initiatives, make some recommendations for future work and comment on cost issues. At the end there are some brief recommendations for collecting institutions and the creators of digital content followed by some suggestions for further reading.
Available in PDF at: http://www.leeds.ac.uk/cedars/guideto/metadata/metadataguide.pdf
A draft version is also available in HTML.
Maintained by Michael Day
of UKOLN, University
of Bath.
Created: 26-Mar-2002.
Last updated: 26-Mar-2002.