GILS Core Elements
Taken from Annex E of the Application Profile for
GILS, version 2.
Definitions of GILS Core Elements and their usual structure are
here made part of the GILS Application Profile. Guidelines on
customary usage, such as the wording of specific elements and which
elements are regarded as mandatory in specific contexts, may be
found in separate documents. For example, the U.S. National
Archives and Records Administration publishes for U.S. Federal
agencies the document "Guidelines for the Preparation of GILS Core
Entries", available in HTML format at <URL:>.
Implementors are reminded that in addition to the well-known
GILS Core Elements, GILS locator records may contain any number of
locally-defined elements. Some such elements may be well-known in
the context of other Z39.50 profiles (e.g., WAIS, GEO) also
supported by a particular GILS-compliant server.
Title (Not Repeatable) This element conveys the most
significant aspects of the referenced resource and is intended for
initial presentation to users independently of other elements. It
should provide sufficient information to allow users to make an
initial decision on likely relevance. It should convey the most
significant information available, including the general topic
area, as well as a specific reference to the subject.
Originator (Repeatable) This element identifies the
information resource originator.
Contributor (Repeatable) This element is used if there
are names associated with the resource in addition to the
Orginator, such as personal author, corporate author, co-author, or
a conference or meeting name.
Date Of Publication (Not Repeatable) The discrete
creation date in which the described resource was published or
updated, though not for use on resources that are published
continuously such as dynamic databases. Date of Publication Textual
may also provide additional information such as when the resource
was originally published. This element may be expressed in one of
two forms:
- Date Of Publication Structured Date described using the
ISO 8601 prescribed structure (fixed 8 characters, YYYYMMDD).
- Date Of Publication Textual Date described
Place of Publication (Not Repeatable) The city or town
where the described resource was published. May also include
country if location of city is not well known.
Language of Resource (Repeatable) This element indicates
the language(s) of the described resource as represented by the
MARC three character alpha code. If a resource is multilingual,
repeat this element for each applicable language."
Abstract (Not Repeatable) This element presents a
narrative description of the information resource. This narrative
should provide enough general information to allow the user to
determine if the information resource has sufficient potential to
warrant contacting the provider for further information.
Controlled Subject Index (Repeatable) This element is a
grouping of subelements that together provide any controlled
vocabulary used to describe the resource and the source of that
controlled vocabulary:
- Subject Thesaurus (Not Repeatable) This subelement
provides the reference to a formally registered thesaurus or
similar authoritative source of the controlled index terms. Notes
on how to obtain electronic access to (e.g., a URI) or copies of
the referenced source should be provided, possibly through a Cross
Reference to another locator record that more fully describes the
referenced resource and its potential application to locating GILS
- Subject Terms Controlled (Not Repeatable) This
subelement is a grouping of descriptive terms drawn from a
controlled vocabulary source to aid users in locating entries of
potential interest. Each term is provided in the subordinate
repeating field:
Subject Terms Uncontrolled (Not Repeatable) This element
is a grouping of descriptive terms to aid users in locating
resources of potential interest, but the terms are not drawn from a
formally registered controlled vocabulary source. Each term is
provided in the repeating subelement:
Spatial Domain (Not Repeatable) This element is a
grouping of subelements that together provide the geographic areal
domain of the data set or information resource. Geographic names
and coordinates can be used to define the bounds of coverage.
Although described here informally, the spatial object constructs
should be as defined in FIPS 173, "Spatial Data Transfer
- Bounding Coordinates (Not Repeatable) This subelement
limits the coverage of a data set expressed by latitude and
longitude values in the order western-most, eastern-most,
northern-most, and southern-most. For data sets that include a
complete band of latitude around the earth, the West Bounding
Coordinate shall be assigned the value: -180.0, and the East
Bounding Coordinate shall be assigned the value: 180.0. The
following subelements comprise the Bounding Coordinates:
- West Bounding Coordinate Western-most coordinate of the
limit of the coverage expressed in longitude.
Domain: -180.0 <= West Bounding Coordinate <= 180.0
- East Bounding Coordinate Eastern-most coordinate of the
limit of coverage expresses in longitude.
Domain: -180.0 <= East Bounding Coordinate <= 180.0
- North Bounding Coordinate Northern-most coordinate of
the limit of coverage expressed in latitude.
Domain: -90.0 <= North Bounding Coordinate <= 90.0;
North Bounding Coordinate >= South Bounding Coordinate
- South Bounding Coordinate Southern-most coordinate of
the limit of coverage expressed in latitude.
Domain: -90.0 <= South Bounding Coordinate <= 90.0;
South Bounding Coordinate <= North Bounding Coordinate
- Place (Repeatable) This subelement identifies geographic
locations characterized by the data set or information resource
through two associate constructs:
- Place Keyword Thesaurus (Not Repeatable) The name of a
formally registered thesaurus or similar authoritative source of
Place Keywords. Each keyword is provided in the subordinate
repeating field:
- Place Keyword (Repeatable) The geographic name of a
location covered by a data set or information resource.
Time Period (Repeatable) This element provides time
frames associated with the information resource. One or both of the
following forms may be used:
- Time Period Textual (Not Repeatable) Time described
- Time Period Structured (Repeatable) This form is a
grouping of date subelements which are used together to indicate a
- Beginning Date (Not Repeatable)
- Ending Date (Not Repeatable)
Availability (Repeatable) This element is a grouping of
subelements that together describe how the information resource is
made available.
- Medium (Not Repeatable) A description of the material
type of the resource, e.g. cassette, kit, computer database,
computer file. It implies the use of a well-known list of medium
- Distributor (Not Repeatable) This subelement consists of
the following subordinate fields that provide information about the
- Distributor Name
- Distributor Organization
- Distributor Street Address
- Distributor City
- Distributor State or Province
- Distributor Zip or Postal Code
- Distributor Country
- Distributor Network Address
- Distributor Hours of Service
- Distributor Telephone
- Distributor Fax
- Resource Description (Repeatable) This subelement
identifies the resource as it is known to the distributor.
- Order Process (Not Repeatable) This subelement is a
grouping of the following subordinate fields that provide
information on how to obtain the information resource from this
- Order Information (Not Repeatable) This subelement
provides information on how to obtain the information resource from
this distributor.
- Cost (Not Repeatable) This subelement indicates whether
or not there is a cost associated with this resource.
- Cost Information (Not Repeatable) This subelement
contains textual information about the cost associated with this
- Technical Prerequisites (Not Repeatable) This subelement
describes any technical prerequisites for use of the information
resource as made available by this distributor.
- Available Time Period (Repeatable) This subelement
provides the time period reference for the information resource as
made available by this distributor. One or both of the following
forms may be used:
- Available Time Textual (Not Repeatable) Time described
- Available Time Structured (Repeatable) This form is a
grouping of date subelements which are used together to indicate a
- Beginning Date (Not Repeatable)
- Ending Date (Not Repeatable)
- Available Linkage (Repeatable) This subelement provides
the information needed to contact an automated system made
available by this distributor. Available linkages are appropriate
to reference other locators, facilitate electronic delivery of
off-the-shelf information products, or guide the user to data
systems that support analysis and synthesis of information. This
subelement consists of the subordinate elements Linkage Type and
Linkage. It must be repeated for every new instance of Linkage
- Linkage Type (Not Repeatable) This subelement occurs if
there is a Linkage. It provides the data content type (i.e., MIME)
of the object identified in the referenced URI to give the user an
indication of what is being connected to (e.g., document,
- Linkage (Repeatable) This subelement provides the
machine readable information needed to perform the access (i.e.,
Sources of Data (Not Repeatable) This element identifies
the primary sources or providers of data to the system, whether
within or outside the agency.
Methodology (Not Repeatable) This element identifies any
specialized tools, techniques, or methodology used to produce this
information resource. The validity, degree of reliability, and any
known possibility of errors should also be described.
Access Constraints (Not Repeatable) This element is a
grouping of subelements that together describe any constraints or
legal prerequisites for accessing the information resource or its
component products or services.
- General Access Constraints (Not Repeatable) This
subelement includes any access constraints or legal prerequisites
applied to assure the protection of privacy, and any other special
restrictions or limitations on obtaining the information
- Originator Dissemination Control (Not Repeatable) This
subelement contains specifics determined by the originator of the
information resource pertaining to the control of access to or
dissemination of this resource.
- Security Classification Control (Not Repeatable) This
subelement contains specifics pertaining to the security
classification associated with the information resource.
Use Constraints (Not Repeatable) This element describes
any constraints or legal prerequisites for using the information
resource or its component products or services. This includes any
use constraints applied to assure the protection of privacy or
intellectual property and any other special restrictions or
limitations on using the information resource.
Point of Contact (Not Repeatable) This element identifies
an organization, and a person where appropriate, serving as the
point of contact plus methods that may be used to make contact.
This element consists of the following subelements:
- Contact Name
- Contact Organization
- Contact Street Address
- Contact City
- Contact State or Province
- Contact Zip or Postal Code
- Contact Country
- Contact Network Address
- Contact Hours of Service
- Contact Telephone
- Contact Fax
Supplemental Information (Not Repeatable) Through this
element, the record source may associate other descriptive
information with the GILS Core locator record.
Purpose (Not Repeatable) This element describes why the
information resource is offered and identifies other programs,
projects, and legislative actions wholly or partially responsible
for the establishment or continued delivery of this information
resource. It may include the origin and lineage of the information
resource, and related information resources.
Agency Program (Not Repeatable) This element identifies
the major agency program or mission supported by the system and
should include a citation for any specific legislative authorities
associated with this information resource.
Cross Reference (Repeatable) This element is a grouping
of subelements that together identify another locator record or
related information resources likely to be of interest.
- Cross Reference Title (Not Repeatable) This subelement
provides a human readable textual description of the cross
- Cross Reference Relationship (Repeatable) This
subelement may be drawn from a controlled list of terms describing
the relationship of the cross referenced object to this locator
record. Values useful in the USMARC context include: original
language, translation, supplement/special issue, parent, host item,
component item, other edition, additional physical form, issued
with, preceding entry, succeeding entry, and data source
- Cross Reference Linkage (Repeatable) This subelement is
a grouping of subelements that together provide information needed
to access the referenced object. It is composed of the subordinate
elements Linkage Type and Linkage. Cross Reference Linkage is
repeated for each new instance of Linkage Type.
- Linkage Type (Not Repeatable) This subelement occurs if
there is a Linkage. It provides the data content type (i.e., MIME)
of the object identified in the referenced URI to give the user an
indication of what is being connected to (e.g., document,
- Linkage (Repeatable) This subelement provides the
machine readable information needed to perform the access (i.e.,
Schedule Number (Not Repeatable) This element is used to
record the identifier associated with the information resource for
records management purposes.
Control Identifier (Not Repeatable) This element is
defined by the information provider and is used to distinguish this
locator record from all other GILS Core locator records.
Original Control Identifier (Not Repeatable) This element
is used by the record source to refer to another GILS locator
record from which this locator record was derived.
Record source (Not Repeatable) This element identifies
the organization that created or last modified this locator
Language of Record (Not Repeatable) This element
indicates the language of the locator record as represented by the
MARC three character alpha code.
Date of Last Modification (Not Repeatable) This element
identifies the latest date on which this locator record was created
or modified.
Record Review Date (Not Repeatable) This element
identifies a date assigned by the Record Source for review of this
GILS Record.
Maintained by: Andy Powell
Last updated: 21-Sep-1998