A review of existing practice |
...an eLib supporting study |
WHOIS++ is a simple Internet search and retrieval protocol that allows clients and servers to exchange structured records, based on WHOIS++ templates [WHOISTEMP]. The ROADS software [ROADS] utilises WHOIS++ to provide a suite of tools to help in the cataloguing of Internet resources, using a common resource description format based on IAFA templates [IAFA]. ROADS templates are compatible with WHOIS++ templates.
ROADS templates look very much like the headers on an e-mail message or Usenet News posting, but many of the names are different. Resource descriptions, known as records, may either be created by hand, using a text editor, or entered via a Web form. Once a record is in the database it may again be edited via a Web form, or by hand. A number of default resource description templates are provided with the ROADS software. Each of these is intended for describing a particular type of resource:
The ROADS software is typically used to build and maintain Internet Subject Gateways - catalogues of Internet resources. The subject gateway maintainer is free to change the templates distributed with the ROADS software, and new templates may be created either for describing new types of resource - or as alternatives to the distributed templates.
More recently, an experimental ROADS COLLECTION template [ROADSCOLL] has been developed, based on the work of the eLib Collection Description Working Group [ELIBCOLL].
Here is an example of a completed ROADS SERVICE record:
Template-Type: SERVICE Handle: SOSIG428 Title: UKBORDERS Information Copyright-Owner: JISC, ESRC Keywords: Geography, Digitised Boundary Data (DBD), Census, Demography, Population, GIS, Computer Aided Mapping Description: UKBORDERS provides the digitised boundary data associated with the 1991 Census of Population. The boundary data allows users to map 1991 Census data systematically at any scale from small area to the whole country and can be used to design new zones from the small area building blocks and to integrate census data fully in geographical information systems. Academic staff and students of UK Higher Education institutions may access the digitised boundary data from the Universities of Edinburgh only after completing the required registration process. The data is also available through MIDAS at Manchester. Subject-Descriptor-Scheme-v1: UDC Subject-Descriptor-v1: 312 91 Admin-Email-v1: ukborders@ed.ac.uk URI-v1: http://datalib.ed.ac.uk/UKBORDERS/start.html Record-Last-Modified-Email: ecdh@ssa.bris.ac.uk Record-Last-Modified-Date: Tue Sep 15 23:00:00 1997
Here is an example of an experimental ROADS COLLECTION record:
Template-Type: COLLECTION Handle: 918222860-6059 Title: National Child Development Study Service-Identifier-v1: http://midas.ac.uk/surveys/ncds/ Description-v1: National Child Development Study, a longitudinal survey which follows the lives of a group of people born in Great Britain between 3 and 9 March 1958 (about 17,000 individuals). To date, there have been five attempts to trace all members of the birth cohort in order to monitor their physical, educational and social development. The NCDS is used for a wide range of research, including medical/health research. The data covers a long time period and includes a wide range of questions, plus physical measurements, such as weight and height. Service-ChargingPolicy-v1: Free subject to site or individual registration. Access requires the user to become a registered user of the dataset (http://dawww.essex.ac.uk/ordering_data/) and also to be registered with MIDAS (http://midas.ac.uk/regn.html) Service-Admin-Name-v1: The Data Archive Service-Admin-Identifier-v1: http://dawww.essex.ac.uk/ Service-Admin-Name-v2: MIDAS Service-Admin-Identifier-v2: http://midas.ac.uk/ Subject-v1: Health Studies; Medicine and Dentistry; Anatomy and Physiology; Pharmacology and Pharmacy; Nursing Subject-v2: Social Sciences; Economics; Social Policy and Administration; Sociology; Social Work; Anthropology; Politics; Law; Business and Management Studies; Library and Information Management; Communication and Media Studies; Education; Sports-Related Subjects Destination: Comments: Automatically created from JISC Web pages. Record-Last-Modified-Date: 1999-02-05 Record-Last-Modified-Email: a.powell@ukoln.ac.uk
Andy Powell, UKOLN
Martin Hamilton, Loughborough University