
Dublin Core Collection Description Application Profile

Dublin Core Collection Description Working Group
Date Issued:
Is Replaced By:
Not applicable
Latest Version:
Status of Document:
This is a DCMI Working Draft.
Description of Document: This document describes the draft application profile for collection-level description developed by the Dublin Core Collection Description Working Group.



Collections and collection-level description

The term "collection" can be applied to any aggregation of physical or digital items. Those items may be of any type, so examples might include aggregations of natural objects, created objects, "born-digital" items, digital surrogates of physical items, and the catalogues of such collections (as aggregations of metadata records). The criteria for aggregation may vary: e.g. by location, by type or form of the items, by provenance of the items, by source or ownership, and so on. Collections may contain any number of items and may have varying levels of permanence.

A "collection-level description" provides a description of the collection as a unit: the resource described by a collection-level description is the collection, rather than the individual items within that collection.

Collection-level description enables a collection provider to

It enables a user to

Increasingly, many of these functions - notably the discovery, location, selection and comparison of collections - are being carried out by software acting on behalf of a human user, perhaps in accordance with user preferences or with parameters describing the scope of a particular service.

The Dublin Core Collection Description Application Profile (DC CD AP)

A DC application profile specifies which properties are used within a metadata application, and how those properties have been constrained or adapted for the purposes of that application. The DC CD AP specifies how properties from the Dublin Core metadata vocabularies (in association with properties from some other standard vocabularies) may be used for the creation of a collection-level description.

The DC CD AP is intended to provide a means of creating simple collection-level descriptions suitable for a broad range of collections. It is designed primarily to support the discovery and selection of collections, though it may be used to support other functions such as collection management too. It is not intended to describe every possible characteristic of every type of collection.

Also, it provides properties to describe the relationships between a collection and a number of other resources, notably the service that provides access to a collection, and some agents related to the collection. It is quite likely that an application will use metadata descriptions of those related resources as well as the collection, but the description of those resources is outside the scope of this document.

The DC CD AP is independent of any particular syntax for representing descriptions. Separate guidelines will describe how descriptions conforming to the DC CD AP may be represented using the conventions recommended by DCMI for expressing DC metadata using the Resource Description Framework (RDF) and using the Extensible Markup Language (XML).

Functional Requirements of the DC CD AP

The aim is that the DC CD AP should support:

Data Model

The DC CD AP is based on a data model which is derived from that described in An Analytical Model of Collections and their Catalogues [1]. It differs from that model in adding a new entity type, Service.

E-R model

In the Analytic Model relationships may carry attributes; in the DC CD AP, relationships are represented as simple properties and do not themselves carry attributes, so some of the expressivity of the model is lost in the metadata schema.

This version of the DC CD AP describes the use of properties to represent attributes of the collection and relationships between the collection and other entities. It does not describe how to represent properties of other entities in the model.

Vocabularies/Namespaces used

Vocabulary Name URI Prefix
The Dublin Core Metadata Element Set, v1.1 http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/ dc
Dublin Core Terms http://purl.org/dc/terms/ dcterms
MARC Relator Codes http://www.loc.gov/marc.relators/
Collection Description Terms http://example.org/cld/terms#
[temporary URI, final URI to be confirmed]
General Description Terms http://example.org/gen/terms#
[temporary URI, final URI to be confirmed]
Collection Type Vocabulary Terms http://example.org/cld/type#
[temporary URI, final URI to be confirmed]

Please note that where terms have Qualified Names with the prefixes gen, cld and cldtype, this indicates that those terms have not yet been assigned persistent URIs. Until such persistent URIs are assigned, by DCMI or by some other naming authority, these terms should be considered to be unstable and should not be referenced in metadata descriptions, except as part of the evaluation/testing of this profile.

Collection Properties

Shaded entries in the tables below indicate that either the semantics or the usage (e.g. labels, optionality, cardinality, use of Encoding Schemes) of a metadata element have been optimised/localised by this Application Profile.

Identifier [dc:identifier]

Identifier http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/identifier
Name identifier
Label Collection Identifier
Defined By The Dublin Core Metadata Element Set, v1.1
Source Definition

An unambiguous reference to the resource within a given context.

DC CD AP Definition

A globally unique formal identifier for the collection.


A collection identifier must be a URI, and the use of a URI scheme that has been registered with IANA is preferred.

Type of Term Element
Refines [n/a]
Refined by [n/a]
Uses Encoding Scheme Uniform Resource Identifier (URI), Dublin Core Terms [dcterms:URI]
Similar to [n/a]
Obligation Optional, but recommended.
Condition [n/a]
Datatype [n/a]
Occurrence Minimum: 0, Maximum: unbounded

Title [dc:title]

Identifier http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/title
Name title
Label Title
Defined By The Dublin Core Metadata Element Set, v1.1
Source Definition

A name given to the resource.

DC CD AP Definition

The name of the collection.


Enter the name of the collection preserving the original wording, order and spelling. Punctuation need not reflect the usage of the original. Subtitles should be separated from the title by a colon, for example:

Voices from the Dust Bowl: The Charles L. Todd and Robert Sonkin Migrant Worker Collection
Type of Term Element
Refines [n/a]
Refined by Alternative, Dublin Core Terms, [dcterms:alternative]
Uses Encoding Scheme [n/a]
Similar to [n/a]
Obligation Mandatory
Condition [n/a]
Datatype String, with optional language identifier
Occurrence Minimum: 1, Maximum: unbounded

Alternative Title [dcterms:alternative]

Identifier http://purl.org/dc/terms/alternative
Name alternative
Label Alternative Title
Defined By Dublin Core Terms
Source Definition

Any form of the title used as a substitute or alternative to the formal title of the resource.

DC CD AP Definition

Any form of the name used as a substitute or alternative to the formal name of the collection.


Values may include acronyms that are used in addition to the name of the collection.

Type of Term Element Refinement
Refines Title, Dublin Core Metadata Element Set, v1.1 [dc:title]
Refined by [n/a]
Uses Encoding Scheme [n/a]
Similar to [n/a]
Obligation Optional
Condition [n/a]
Datatype String, with optional language identifier
Occurrence Minimum: 0, Maximum: unbounded

Description [dcterms:abstract]

Identifier http://purl.org/dc/terms/abstract
Name abstract
Label Description
Defined By Dublin Core Terms
Source Definition

A summary of the content of the resource.

DC CD AP Definition

A summary of the content of the collection.


A free text summary of the collection.

Although a description might contain detailed subject-specific information, at least part of the description should be understandable by an end-user with no specialist knowledge of the subject area.

Type of Term Element refinement
Refines Description, Dublin Core Metadata Element Set, v1.1 [dc:description]
Uses Encoding Scheme [n/a]
Similar to [n/a]
Obligation Mandatory
Condition [n/a]
Datatype String, with optional language identifier
Occurrence Minimum: 1, Maximum: unbounded

Physical Characteristics [dc:format]

Identifier http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/format
Name format
Label Physical Characteristics
Defined By The Dublin Core Metadata Element Set, v1.1
Source Definition

The physical or digital manifestation of the resource.

DC CD AP Definition

The physical or digital characteristics of the collection.

Comments [n/a]
Type of Term Element
Refines [n/a]
Refined by Extent, Dublin Core Terms, [dcterms:extent]
Uses Encoding Scheme [n/a]
Similar to [n/a]
Obligation Optional
Condition [n/a]
Datatype String, with optional language identifier
Occurrence Minimum: 0, Maximum: unbounded

Size [dcterms:extent]

Identifier http://purl.org/dc/terms/extent
Name extent
Label Size
Defined By Dublin Core Terms
Source Definition

The size or duration of the resource.

DC CD AP Definition

The size of the collection.

Comments [n/a]
Type of Term Element Refinement
Refines Format, Dublin Core Metadata Element Set, v1.1 [dc:format]
Refined by [n/a]
Uses Encoding Scheme [n/a]
Similar to [n/a]
Obligation Optional
Condition [n/a]
Datatype String, with optional language identifier
Occurrence Minimum: 0, Maximum: unbounded

Language [dc:language]

Identifier http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/language
Name language
Label Language
Defined By The Dublin Core Metadata Element Set, v1.1
Source Definition

A language of the intellectual content of the resource.

DC CD AP Definition

A language of the content of the items in the collection.


Enter language names in the form of the three character code defined by ISO 639-2.

Where more than one language is provided, a repeated attribute should be used for each.

Type of Term Element
Refines [n/a]
Refined by [n/a]
Uses Encoding Scheme ISO639-2, Dublin Core Terms [dcterms:ISO639-2]
Similar to [n/a]
Obligation Optional
Condition [n/a]
Datatype [n/a]
Occurrence Minimum: 0, Maximum: unbounded

Type [dc:type]

Identifier http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/type
Name type
Label Type
Defined By The Dublin Core Metadata Element Set, v1.1
Source Definition

The nature or genre of the content of the resource.

DC CD AP Definition

The type of the collection.

Comments [n/a]
Type of Term Element
Refines [n/a]
Refined by [n/a]
Uses Encoding Scheme Collection Type Vocabulary, Collection Type Vocabulary [cld:CLDType]
Similar to [n/a]
Obligation Optional
Condition [n/a]
Datatype [n/a]
Occurrence Minimum: 0, Maximum: unbounded

Rights [dc:rights]

Identifier http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/rights
Name rights
Label Rights
Defined By The Dublin Core Metadata Element Set, v1.1
Source Definition

Information about rights held in and over the resource.

DC CD AP Definition

A statement of any rights held in/over the collection.

Comments [n/a]
Type of Term Element
Refines [n/a]
Refined by Access Rights, Dublin Core Terms, [dcterms:accessRights]
Uses Encoding Scheme [n/a]
Similar to [n/a]
Obligation Optional
Condition [n/a]
Datatype String, with optional language identifier
Occurrence Minimum: 0, Maximum: unbounded

Access Rights [dcterms:accessRights]

Identifier http://purl.org/dc/terms/accessRights
Name accessRights
Label Access Rights
Defined By Dublin Core Terms
Source Definition

Information about who can access the resource or an indication of its security status.

DC CD AP Definition

A statement of any access restrictions placed on the collection, including allowed users, charges, etc.

Comments [n/a]
Type of Term Element Refinement
Refines Rights, Dublin Core Metadata Element Set, v1.1 [dc:rights]
Refined by [n/a]
Uses Encoding Scheme [n/a]
Similar to [n/a]
Obligation Optional
Condition [n/a]
Datatype String, with optional language identifier
Occurrence Minimum: 0, Maximum: unbounded

Accrual Method [dcterms:accrualMethod]

Identifier http://purl.org/dc/terms/accrualMethod
Name accrualMethod
Label Accrual Method
Defined By Dublin Core Terms
Source Definition

The method by which items are added to a collection.


Recommended best practice is to use a value from the DCCD Accrual Method encoding scheme.

Type of Term Element
Refines [n/a]
Refined by [n/a]
Uses Encoding Scheme DCCD Accrual Method, Collection Description Terms [cld:DCCDAccrualMethod]
Similar to [n/a]
Obligation Optional
Condition [n/a]
Datatype [n/a]
Occurrence Minimum: 0, Maximum: unbounded

Accrual Periodicity [dcterms:accrualPeriodicity]

Identifier http://purl.org/dc/terms/accrualPeriodicity
Name accrualPeriodicity
Label Accrual Periodicity
Defined By Dublin Core Terms
Source Definition

The frequency with which items are added to a collection.


Recommended best practice is to use a value from the DCCD Accrual Periodicity encoding scheme.

Type of Term Element
Refines [n/a]
Refined by [n/a]
Uses Encoding Scheme DCCD Accrual Periodicity, Collection Description Terms [cld:DCCDAccrualPeriodicity]
Similar to [n/a]
Obligation Optional
Condition [n/a]
Datatype [n/a]
Occurrence Minimum: 0, Maximum: unbounded

Accrual Policy [dcterms:accrualPolicy]

Identifier http://purl.org/dc/terms/accrualPolicy
Name accrualPolicy
Label Accrual Policy
Defined By Dublin Core Terms
Source Definition

The policy governing the addition of items to a collection.


Recommended best practice is to use a value from the DCCD Accrual Policy encoding scheme.

Type of Term Element
Refines [n/a]
Refined by [n/a]
Uses Encoding Scheme DCCD Accrual Policy, Collection Description Terms [cld:DCCDAccrualPolicy]
Similar to [n/a]
Obligation Optional
Condition [n/a]
Datatype [n/a]
Occurrence Minimum: 0, Maximum: unbounded

Custodial History [dcterms:provenance]

Identifier http://purl.org/dc/terms/provenance
Name provenance
Label Custodial History
Defined By Dublin Core Terms
Source Definition

A statement of any changes in ownership and custody of the resource since its creation that are significant for its authenticity, integrity and interpretation.

DC CD AP Definition

A statement of any changes in ownership and custody of the collection that are significant for its authenticity, integrity and interpretation.

Comments [n/a]
Type of Term Element
Refines [n/a]
Refined by [n/a]
Uses Encoding Scheme [n/a]
Similar to [n/a]
Obligation Optional
Condition [n/a]
Datatype String, with optional language identifier
Occurrence Minimum: 0, Maximum: unbounded

Audience [dcterms:audience]

Identifier http://purl.org/dc/terms/audience
Name audience
Label Audience
Defined By Dublin Core Terms
Source Definition

A class of entity for whom the resource is intended or useful.

DC CD AP Definition

A class of entity for whom the collection is intended or useful.

Comments [n/a]
Type of Term Element
Refines [n/a]
Refined by [n/a]
Uses Encoding Scheme [n/a]
Similar to [n/a]
Obligation Optional
Condition [n/a]
Datatype String, with optional language identifier
Occurrence Minimum: 0, Maximum: unbounded

Logo [cld:logo]

Identifier http://example.org/cld/terms#logo
Name logo
Label Logo
Defined By Collection Description Terms

An image or logo associated with the collection.

Comments [n/a]
Type of Term Element Refinement
Refines Description, Dublin Core Metadata Element Set, v1.1 [dc:description]
Refined by [n/a]
Uses Encoding Scheme [n/a]
Similar to [n/a]
Obligation Optional
Condition [n/a]
Occurrence Minimum: 0, Maximum: unbounded

Subject [dc:subject]

Identifier http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/subject
Name subject
Label Subject
Defined By The Dublin Core Metadata Element Set, v1.1
Source Definition

The topic of the content of the resource.

DC CD AP Definition

A subject or topic associated with the items in the collection.


Keywords or subject descriptors associated with items in the collection.

The terms used indicate the subject matter of the collection.

The encoding schemes below are those recommended by DCMI. Other appropriate encoding schemes may be used, and the use of a scheme should be indicated.

Type of Term Element
Refines [n/a]
Refined by [n/a]
Uses Encoding Scheme Library of Congress Subject Headings, Dublin Core Terms [dcterms:LCSH]
Uses Encoding Scheme Library of Congress Classification, Dublin Core Terms [dcterms:LCC]
Uses Encoding Scheme Medical Subject Headings, Dublin Core Terms [dcterms:MESH]
Uses Encoding Scheme Dewey Decimal Classification, Dublin Core Terms [dcterms:DDC]
Uses Encoding Scheme Universal Decimal Classification, Dublin Core Terms [dcterms:UDC]
Similar to [n/a]
Obligation Optional
Condition [n/a]
Datatype [n/a]
Occurrence Minimum: 0, Maximum: unbounded

Spatial Coverage [dcterms:spatial]

Identifier http://purl.org/dc/terms/spatial
Name spatial
Label Spatial Coverage
Defined By Dublin Core Terms
Source Definition

Spatial characteristics of the intellectual content of the resource.

DC CD AP Definition

The spatial coverage of the content of the items in the collection.

Comments [n/a]
Type of Term Element Refinement
Refines Coverage, Dublin Core Metadata Element Set, v1.1 [dc:coverage]
Refined by [n/a]
Uses Encoding Scheme [n/a]
Similar to [n/a]
Obligation Optional
Condition [n/a]
Datatype [n/a]
Occurrence Minimum: 0, Maximum: unbounded

Temporal Coverage [dcterms:temporal]

Identifier http://purl.org/dc/terms/temporal
Name temporal
Label Temporal Coverage
Defined By Dublin Core Terms
Source Definition

Temporal characteristics of the intellectual content of the resource.

DC CD AP Definition

The temporal coverage of the content of the items in the collection.

Comments [n/a]
Type of Term Element Refinement
Refines Coverage, Dublin Core Metadata Element Set, v1.1 [dc:coverage]
Refined by [n/a]
Uses Encoding Scheme [n/a]
Similar to [n/a]
Obligation Optional
Condition [n/a]
Datatype String
Occurrence Minimum: 0, Maximum: unbounded

Accumulation Date Range [dcterms:created]

Identifier http://purl.org/dc/terms/created
Name created
Label Accumulation Date Range
Defined By Dublin Core Terms
Source Definition

Date of creation of the resource.

DC CD AP Definition

The range of dates over which the collection was accumulated.


A date range should be supplied in the form of a time interval conforming to ISO8601. Start and end dates should be separated by a forward-slash (/). Each date should be entered according to the W3C note on 'Date and Time Formats', <http://www.w3.org/TR/NOTE-datetime>. Null dates may be used to indicate open-ended date ranges.

All the following are examples of valid date ranges:


indicating, '1888 to 1894 inclusive', '1960 onwards' and 'February 2000 to June 2000 inclusive' respectively.

Type of Term Element Refinement
Refines Date, Dublin Core Metadata Element Set, v1.1 [dc:date]
Refined by [n/a]
Uses Encoding Scheme ISO8601, General Description Terms [gen:ISO8601]
Similar to [n/a]
Obligation Optional
Condition [n/a]
Datatype String
Occurrence Minimum: 0, Maximum: unbounded

Contents Date Range [cld:dateContentsCreated]

Identifier http://example.org/cld/terms#dateContentsCreated
Name dateContentsCreated
Label Contents Date Range
Defined By Collection Description Terms

The range of dates over which the individual items within the collection were created.


A date range should be supplied in the form of a time interval conforming to ISO8601. Start and end dates should be separated by a forward-slash (/). Each date should be entered according to the W3C note on 'Date and Time Formats', <http://www.w3.org/TR/NOTE-datetime>. Null dates may be used to indicate open-ended date ranges.

All the following are examples of valid date ranges:


indicating, '1888 to 1894 inclusive', '1960 onwards' and 'February 2000 to June 2000 inclusive' respectively.

Type of Term Element Refinement
Refines Date, Dublin Core Metadata Element Set, v1.1 [dc:date]
Refined by [n/a]
Uses Encoding Scheme ISO8601, General Description Terms [gen:ISO8601]
Similar to [n/a]
Obligation Optional
Condition [n/a]
Datatype String
Occurrence Minimum: 0, Maximum: unbounded

Collector [dc:creator]

Identifier http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/creator
Name creator
Label Collector
Defined By The Dublin Core Metadata Element Set, v1.1
Source Definition

An entity primarily responsible for making the content of the resource.

DC CD AP Definition

An entity who gathers (or gathered) the items in a collection together.

Comments [n/a]
Type of Term Element
Refines [n/a]
Refined by [n/a]
Uses Encoding Scheme [n/a]
Similar to [n/a]
Obligation Optional
Condition [n/a]
Occurrence Minimum: 0, Maximum: unbounded

Owner [marcrel:own]

Identifier http://www.loc.gov/marc.relators/own
Name own
Label Owner
Defined By MARC Relator Codes
Source Definition

The person or organization that currently owns an item or collection.

DC CD AP Definition

An entity who has legal possession of the collection.

Comments [n/a]
Type of Term Element
Refines [n/a]
Refined by [n/a]
Uses Encoding Scheme [n/a]
Similar to [n/a]
Obligation Optional
Condition [n/a]
Occurrence Minimum: 0, Maximum: unbounded

Is Located At [gen:isLocatedAt]

Identifier http://example.org/gen/terms#isLocatedAt
Name isLocatedAt
Label Is Located At
Defined By General Description Terms

A location of the collection.

Type of Term Element Refinement
Refines Relation, Dublin Core Metadata Element Set, v1.1 [dc:relation]
Refined by [n/a]
Uses Encoding Scheme [n/a]
Similar to [n/a]
Obligation Optional
Condition [n/a]
Datatype String
Occurrence Minimum: 0, Maximum: unbounded

Is Accessed Via [gen:isAccessedVia]

Identifier http://example.org/gen/terms#isAccessedVia
Name isAccessedVia
Label Is Accessed Via
Defined By General Description Terms

A service that provides access to the collection.

Type of Term Element Refinement
Refines Relation, Dublin Core Metadata Element Set, v1.1 [dc:relation]
Refined by [n/a]
Uses Encoding Scheme [n/a]
Similar to [n/a]
Obligation Optional
Condition [n/a]
Datatype String
Occurrence Minimum: 0, Maximum: unbounded

Sub-collection [dcterms:hasPart]

Identifier http://purl.org/dc/terms/hasPart
Name hasPart
Label Sub-collection
Defined By Dublin Core Terms
Source Definition

The described resource includes the referenced resource either physically or logically.

DC CD AP Definition

A second collection contained within the current collection.

Comments [n/a]
Type of Term Element Refinement
Refines Relation, Dublin Core Metadata Element Set, v1.1 [dc:relation]
Refined by [n/a]
Uses Encoding Scheme [n/a]
Similar to [n/a]
Obligation Optional
Condition [n/a]
Occurrence Minimum: 0, Maximum: unbounded

Super-collection [dcterms:isPartOf]

Identifier http://purl.org/dc/terms/isPartOf
Name isPartOf
Label Super-collection
Defined By Dublin Core Terms
Source Definition

The described resource is a physical or logical part of the referenced resource.

DC CD AP Definition

A second collection that contains the current collection.

Comments [n/a]
Type of Term Element Refinement
Refines Relation, Dublin Core Metadata Element Set, v1.1 [dc:relation]
Refined by [n/a]
Uses Encoding Scheme [n/a]
Similar to [n/a]
Obligation Optional
Condition [n/a]
Occurrence Minimum: 0, Maximum: unbounded

Catalogue or description [dc:description]

Identifier http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/description
Name description
Label Catalogue or description
Defined By The Dublin Core Metadata Element Set, v1.1
Source Definition

An account of the content of the resource.

DC CD AP Definition

A second collection that describes the current collection (for example, the catalogue for the current collection).

Comments [n/a]
Type of Term Element
Refines [n/a]
Refined by Description, Dublin Core Terms, [dcterms:abstract]
Uses Encoding Scheme [n/a]
Similar to [n/a]
Obligation Optional
Condition [n/a]
Occurrence Minimum: 0, Maximum: unbounded

Associated collection [dc:relation]

Identifier http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/relation
Name relation
Label Associated collection
Defined By The Dublin Core Metadata Element Set, v1.1
Source Definition

A reference to a related resource.

DC CD AP Definition

A second collection that is associated with the current collection.

Comments [n/a]
Type of Term Element Refinement
Refines [n/a]
Refined by [n/a]
Uses Encoding Scheme [n/a]
Similar to [n/a]
Obligation Optional
Condition [n/a]
Occurrence Minimum: 0, Maximum: unbounded

Associated publication [dcterms:isReferencedBy]

Identifier http://purl.org/dc/terms/isReferencedBy
Name isReferencedBy
Label Associated publication
Defined By Dublin Core Terms
Source Definition

The described resource is referenced, cited, or otherwise pointed to by the referenced resource.

DC CD AP Definition

A publication that is based on the use, study, or analysis of the collection.

Comments [n/a]
Type of Term Element Refinement
Refines Relation, Dublin Core Metadata Element Set, v1.1 [dc:relation]
Refined by [n/a]
Uses Encoding Scheme [n/a]
Similar to [n/a]
Obligation Optional
Condition [n/a]
Occurrence Minimum: 0, Maximum: unbounded

Encoding Schemes Used

Uniform Resource Identifier [dcterms:URI]

Identifier http://purl.org/dc/terms/URI
Name URI
Label Uniform Resource Identifier
Defined By Dublin Core Terms

Uniform Resource Identifier.

Comments [n/a]
See Also http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2396.txt
Type of Term Encoding Scheme
Encoding Scheme for Identifier, Dublin Core Metadata Element Set, v1.1 [dc:identifier]

ISO639-2 [dcterms:ISO639-2]

Identifier http://purl.org/dc/terms/ISO639-2
Name ISO639-2
Label ISO 639-2
Defined By Dublin Core Terms

ISO 639-2: Codes for the representation of names of languages.

Comments [n/a]
See Also http://www.loc.gov/standards/iso639-2/
Type of Term Encoding Scheme
Encoding Scheme for Language, Dublin Core Metadata Element Set, v1.1 [dc:language]

Collection Type Vocabulary [cld:CLDType]

Identifier http://example.org/cld/terms#CLDType
Name CLDType
Label Collection Type Vocabulary
Defined By Collection Description Terms

A list of types that categorize the collection according to the nature of the items in the collection.

Comments [n/a]
See Also http://www.ukoln.ac.uk/metadata/dcmi/collection-type/
Type of Term Encoding Scheme
Encoding Scheme for Type, Dublin Core Metadata Element Set, v1.1 [dc:type]

DCCD Accrual Method [cld:DCCDAccrualMethod]

Identifier http://example.org/cld/terms#DCCDAccrualMethod
Name DCCDAccrualMethod
Label DCCD Accrual Method
Defined By Collection Description Terms

Methods by which items are added to a collection.

Comments [n/a]
See Also http://www.ukoln.ac.uk/metadata/dcmi/collection-DCCDAccrualMethod/
Type of Term Encoding Scheme
Encoding Scheme for Accrual Method, Dublin Core Terms [dcterms:accrualMethod]

DCCD Accrual Periodicity [cld:DCCDAccrualPeriodicity]

Identifier http://example.org/cld/terms#DCCDAccrualPeriodicity
Name DCCDAccrualPeriodicity
Label DCCD Accrual Periodicity
Defined By Collection Description Terms

Frequencies which items are added to a collection.

Comments [n/a]
See Also http://www.ukoln.ac.uk/metadata/dcmi/collection-DCCDAccrualPeriodicity/
Type of Term Encoding Scheme
Encoding Scheme for Accrual Periodicity, Dublin Core Terms [dcterms:accrualPeriodicity]

DCCD Accrual Policy [cld:DCCDAccrualPolicy]

Identifier http://example.org/cld/terms#DCCDAccrualPolicy
Name DCCDAccrualPolicy
Label DCCD Accrual Policy
Defined By Collection Description Terms

Policies governing the addition of items to a collection.

Comments [n/a]
See Also http://www.ukoln.ac.uk/metadata/dcmi/collection-DCCDAccrualPolicy/
Type of Term Encoding Scheme
Encoding Scheme for Accrual Policy, Dublin Core Terms [dcterms:accrualPolicy]

Library of Congress Subject Headings (LCSH) [dcterms:LCSH]

Identifier http://purl.org/dc/terms/LCSH
Label LCSH
Defined By Dublin Core Terms

Library of Congress Subject Headings.

Comments [n/a]
See Also http://lcweb.loc.gov/cds/lcsh.html
Type of Term Encoding Scheme
Encoding Scheme for Subject, Dublin Core Metadata Element Set, v1.1 [dc:subject]

Library of Congress Classification (LCC) [dcterms:LCC]

Identifier http://purl.org/dc/terms/LCC
Name LCC
Label LCC
Defined By Dublin Core Terms

Library of Congress Classification.

Comments [n/a]
See Also http://lcweb.loc.gov/catdir/cpso/lcco/lcco.html
Type of Term Encoding Scheme
Encoding Scheme for Subject, Dublin Core Metadata Element Set, v1.1 [dc:subject]

Medical Subject Headings (MESH) [dcterms:MESH]

Identifier http://purl.org/dc/terms/MESH
Label MeSH
Defined By Dublin Core Terms

Medical Subject Headings.

Comments [n/a]
See Also http://www.nlm.nih.gov/mesh/meshhome.html
Type of Term Encoding Scheme
Encoding Scheme for Subject, Dublin Core Metadata Element Set, v1.1 [dc:subject]

Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC) [dcterms:DDC]

Identifier http://purl.org/dc/terms/DDC
Name DDC
Label DDC
Defined By Dublin Core Terms

Dewey Decimal Classification.

Comments [n/a]
See Also http://www.oclc.org/dewey/
Type of Term Encoding Scheme
Encoding Scheme for Subject, Dublin Core Metadata Element Set, v1.1 [dc:subject]

Universal Decimal Classification (UDC) [dcterms:UDC]

Identifier http://purl.org/dc/terms/UDC
Name UDC
Label UDC
Defined By Dublin Core Terms

Universal Decimal Classification.

Comments [n/a]
See Also http://www.udcc.org/
Type of Term Encoding Scheme
Encoding Scheme for Subject, Dublin Core Metadata Element Set, v1.1 [dc:subject]

W3C Date and Time Format (W3CDTF) [dcterms:W3CDTF]

Identifier http://purl.org/dc/terms/W3CDTF
Label W3C-DTF
Defined By Dublin Core Terms

W3C Encoding rules for dates and times - a profile based on ISO 8601.

Comments [n/a]
See Also http://www.w3.org/TR/NOTE-datetime
Type of Term Encoding Scheme
Encoding Scheme for

ISO 8601 [gen:ISO8601]

Identifier http://example.org/gen/terms#ISO8601
Name ISO8601
Label ISO 8601
Defined By General Description Terms

A date range - two dates separated by a forward-slash (/). Each date should be entered according to the W3C note on 'Date and Time Formats'. Null dates may be used to indicate open-ended date ranges.

Comments [n/a]
See Also [n/a]
Type of Term Encoding Scheme
Encoding Scheme for Contents Date Range, Collection Description Terms, [cld:contentsDateRange]
Encoding Scheme for Accumulation Date Range, Dublin Core Terms, [dcterms:created]

Administrative Metadata

A collection-level description conforming to this profile should itself be described by an appropriate administrative metadata record. This document does not specify the properties to be used in that administrative metadata record.

Changes made in this version


[1]  Michael Heaney. An Analytical Model of Collections and their Catalogues

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