DESIRE: Development of a European Service for Information on Research and Education |


DESIRE D3.2: Quality Ratings Implementation
The work described here has been undertaken by UKOLN as part of
deliverable D3.2 of phase two of the DESIRE project. This work folows on from an earlier DESIRE activity: D3.1 Quality Ratings in RDF [D3.1]
Supported Scenarios
The main supported scenario is the ranking of ROADS search results
based on quality ratings from a third party ratings bureau (which in
the demonstrator is a further ROADS database). Ratings may be obtained
either via WHOIS++ or via HTTP using an RDF/XML format.
A secondary scenario demonstrates a further use of a ratings bureau (again a ROADS database in the demonstrator) to provide quality ratings of resources that are linked to from a currently viewed page.
ROADS as a Ratings Bureau
Retrieving metadata associated with a particular URI is not possible
in the standard ROADS distribution due to various technical
details. It is required to support scenarios where a ROADS database
acts as a ratings bureau. An extended version of ROADS that provides
access to metadata by URI was required by a separate UKOLN/ROADS
project, this is described in [ROADSURI]. It is likely that this
functionality will be incorporated into a future version of ROADS.
In order to support non-ROADS ratings bureaux, the ranking engine
is able to request ratings over HTTP and accept RDF/XML formatted
results. A simple gateway to add such behaviour to an existing ROADS
database had also been developed in a separate UKOLN/ROADS project, as
described in [GATEWAY]. Note that this does not provide a general RDF/WHOIS++
gateway and that the generated RDF/XML describes a single resource and
does not constitute a full WHOIS++ response.
Quality-Based Ranking within ROADS
The standard ROADS distribution uses a simple ranking algorithm based
on the frequency with which the search terms appear in the record
describing each resource.
This work extends ROADS to support ranking based on quality
criteria. A number of approaches for obtaining quality criteria are
examined including storing quality attributes along with resource
discovery attributes in ROADS templates and retrieving ratings
dynamically from a ratings bureau (which may or may not be another
ROADS database).
For full details and a demonstrator see Quality Based Ranking within ROADS.
Link Rater
Users viewing material on the Web do not currently have access to
structured information regarding the quality of either the resource
they are currently viewing or the resources that are linked to from
the current page.
We describe a mechanism for accessing and displaying quality
information from a remote ratings bureau while viewing existing
resources. The existing resources require no modification.
See Link Rater for further details and a
[D3.1] - DESIRE D3.1: Quality Ratings in RDF -
[ROADSURI] - Extending
ROADS to Support Retrieval by URI -
[GATEWAY] - ROADS for Web Site Metadata Management -
Maintained by: Tracy Gardner of UKOLN, the UK Office for Library and Information Networking, University of Bath.
Document created: 19-Apr-1999.
Last updated: 15-Jun-1999.
Links updated: 08-Jan-2013.
[Metadata] [UKOLN]