MEG Registry Project

Minutes of Project meeting 11 April 2002


Dave Beckett, Damian Steer (ILRT), Rachel Heery, Pete Johnston (UKOLN)


Kick-off meeting

First Steps

Action initial payment to ILRT : Rachel

Note that Damian moves to HP on 1st July and will not be available to the project from that date. Damian's best mail address is

Software review

Rachel to look out any evaluation of SCHEMAS approach, also check with Harry re preview of DLib article: Rachel

Data Model

Some refinements to data model suggested:

Update model : Pete

Agreed that 're-used terms' would be treated as typed resources, which would require a suitable RDF class in the 'smes' (or equivalent) schema.

Functional Requirements

Agreed that MEG registry would take input of RDF schemas from Schema Creation and Registration Tool (SCART) and also from other sources.

Agreed that SCART would provide user with facility to query and browse MEG registry to locate terms for schema.

Agreed there was requirement for SCART to provide local save of schema 'under preparation' and of completed schema(s).

Agreed that Functional Requirements should include use cases.


Some dates agreed:

3 May 2002: Software review completed : Damian

3 May 2002: Functional requirements completed : Rachel and Pete

27 May 2002: Early evaluation of schema creation tool : Damian and Pete

28 June 2002: Schema creation tool completed: Damian

Others need to be fixed:

Milestones for Registry: Dave

Workshop date, needs to be in September. Need to keep in mind ECDL Rome 16-18 Sept, also Alt-C Sunderland 9-11 Sept. Pete needs to consult with MEG group to fix date. Action : Pete

Final recommendations: will need to follow workshop

End of project date: if this runs over 6 months need to inform JISC : Rachel

Date of Next Meeting