This example provides a description of the UKOLN home page. It takes the value for DC.Type from the enumerated list offered at It provides an example of the use of a namespace for a 'SCHEME' that is not yet well established. (Here we use the name DCRT, short for Dublin Core Resource Types).
<?xml:namespace href="" as="RDF"?> <?xml:namespace href="" as="DC"?> <?xml:namespace href="" as="DCRT"?> <RDF:RDF> <RDF:Description RDF:HREF=""> <DC:Title> UKOLN: UK Office for Library and Information Networking </DC:Title> <DC:Creator> UKOLN Information Services Group </DC:Creator> <DC:Subject> national centre, network information support, library community, awareness, research, information services, public library networking, bibliographic management, distributed library systems, metadata, resource discovery, conferences, lectures, workshops </DC:Subject> <DC:Description> UKOLN is a national centre for support in network information management in the library and information communities. It provides awareness, research and information services </DC:Description> <DC:Date> 1998-02-17 </DC:Date> <DC:Format> text/html </DC:Format> <DC:Type> <RDF:Description> <DCRT:Type>Text.Homepage</DCRT:Type> </RDF:Description> </DC:Type> </RDF:Description> </RDF:RDF>As an alternative version of this we might choose to maintain some of the structure of the enumerated lists offered at the above site by explicitly giving a Type and SubType within the new namespace:
<?xml:namespace href="" as="RDF"?> <?xml:namespace href="" as="DC"?> <?xml:namespace href="" as="DCRT"?> <RDF:RDF> <RDF:Description RDF:HREF=""> <DC:Title> UKOLN: UK Office for Library and Information Networking </DC:Title> <DC:Creator> UKOLN Information Services Group </DC:Creator> <DC:Subject> national centre, network information support, library community, awareness, research, information services, public library networking, bibliographic management, distributed library systems, metadata, resource discovery, conferences, lectures, workshops </DC:Subject> <DC:Description> UKOLN is a national centre for support in network information management in the library and information communities. It provides awareness, research and information services </DC:Description> <DC:Date> 1998-02-17 </DC:Date> <DC:Format> text/html </DC:Format> <DC:Type> <RDF:Description> <DCRT:Type>Text</DCRT:Type> <DCRT:SubType>Homepage</DCRT:SubType> </RDF:Description> </DC:Type> </RDF:Description> </RDF:RDF>(Note that SubType may contain a '.' separated list of terms).