Example AP1

Dublin Core in RDF

DC:Type selected from enumerated list

Warning: the RDF syntax currently shown here is OUT OF DATE!

This example provides a description of the UKOLN home page. It takes the value for DC.Type from the enumerated list offered at http://sunsite.berkeley.edu/Metadata/structuralist.html. It provides an example of the use of a namespace for a 'SCHEME' that is not yet well established. (Here we use the name DCRT, short for Dublin Core Resource Types).

Node and Arc diagram

<?xml:namespace href="http://www.w3c.org/RDF/" as="RDF"?>
<?xml:namespace href="http://purl.oclc.org/RDF/DC/" as="DC"?>
<?xml:namespace href="http://sunsite.berkeley.edu/Metadata/structuralist.html" as="DCRT"?>
  <RDF:Description RDF:HREF="http://www.ukoln.ac.uk/">
      UKOLN: UK Office for Library and Information Networking
      UKOLN Information Services Group
      national centre, network information support, library
      community, awareness, research, information services,
      public library networking, bibliographic management,
      distributed library systems, metadata, resource discovery,
      conferences, lectures, workshops
      UKOLN is a national centre for support in network
      information management in the library and information
      communities. It provides awareness, research and
      information services
As an alternative version of this we might choose to maintain some of the structure of the enumerated lists offered at the above site by explicitly giving a Type and SubType within the new namespace:
<?xml:namespace href="http://www.w3c.org/RDF/" as="RDF"?>
<?xml:namespace href="http://purl.oclc.org/RDF/DC/" as="DC"?>
<?xml:namespace href="http://sunsite.berkeley.edu/Metadata/structuralist.html" as="DCRT"?>
  <RDF:Description RDF:HREF="http://www.ukoln.ac.uk/">
      UKOLN: UK Office for Library and Information Networking
      UKOLN Information Services Group
      national centre, network information support, library
      community, awareness, research, information services,
      public library networking, bibliographic management,
      distributed library systems, metadata, resource discovery,
      conferences, lectures, workshops
      UKOLN is a national centre for support in network
      information management in the library and information
      communities. It provides awareness, research and
      information services
(Note that SubType may contain a '.' separated list of terms).
Maintained by: Andy Powell - a.powell@ukoln.ac.uk
Version: $Id: intro.html,v 1.1 1998/03/12 11:39:48 lisap Exp lisap $

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