The KIM Project
Knowledge & Information Management Through Life: a Grand Challenge project

Immortal Information and Through-Life Knowledge Management (KIM): Strategies and Tools for the Emerging Product-Service Paradigm was a £5.5 million EPSRC-funded Grand Challenge project led by the University of Bath Mechanical Engineering Department. The Project involved 11 universities and a number of industrial partners from across the defence, aerospace, construction and healthcare sectors. It ran between October 2005 and March 2009.
The purpose of the Project was to find robust ways of handling information and knowledge — for example, design models, processes and rationale — over the lifetime of product-services such as PFI hospitals, schools and military equipment. During this time, the information and knowledge will be stored, accessed, used and recreated many times over and in many different situations and contexts.
UKOLN provided the Project with expertise in the area of digital information management, with particular regard to digital curation.
The academic partners in the research programme comprised 8 Innovative Manufacturing Research Centres (IMRCs) and 5 non-IMRC groups.
IMRC Partners
UKOLN's Contribution to the Project
UKOLN was primarily involved in the following work packages:
WP1: Advanced product representation and information management
- Constructing a representation information registry for engineering-specific file formats and software, as part of the DCC Registry/Repository of Representation Information (RRoRI).
- Producing a demonstrator to showcase the utility of such a registry for preservation planning and recovery.
- Assisting in the development of tools to support LiMMA, a system of Lightweight Models with Multilayered Annotations supporting product lifecycle management.
WP4: Integrating activities
- Advising on metadata standards for Project documentation.
- Translating Project document templates into LaTeX classes.
The following UKOLN papers from the Project have been released for public viewing.
- OAIS Briefing Paper [PDF, 225kB]
February 2006
- Annotation of lightweight formats for long-term product representations
November 2009International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing [ISSN 0951-192X/1362-3052] 22(11), pp. 1037-1053OPuS record: http://opus.bath.ac.uk/12897
- Engineering a Complete Record
July/August 2009Library and Information Update [ISSN 1476-7171], pp. 40-44.Issue sample (Flash): http://edition.pagesuite-professional.co.uk/Launch...OPuS record: http://opus.bath.ac.uk/14940
- 'PLM on a budget': Lightweight lifecycle solutions for small enterprises
6–8 July 2009.6th International Conference on Product Lifecycle Management (PLM09), Bath.OPuS record: http://opus.bath.ac.uk/14328
- Strategies for the Curation of CAD Engineering Models
June 2009International Journal of Digital Curation [ISSN 1746-8256] 4(1), pp. 84-97
- Strategies for the Curation of CAD Engineering Models
1–3 December 20084th International Digital Curation Conference: "Radical Sharing: Transforming Science?", Edinburgh
Awarded best peer-reviewed paper at IDCC 2008Slides (PPT): http://www.dcc.ac.uk/.../0940_Manjula_Patel.ppt
- Curation and Preservation of CAD Engineering Models in Product Lifecycle Management
20–25 October 2008Fourteenth Conference on Virtual Systems and Multimedia (VSMM 2008), Limassol, CyprusPaper (PDF, ~45MB): http://vsmm2008.vnikos.com/.../fullpapers.pdf#page=63
- Towards a Curation and Preservation Architecture for CAD Engineering Models
September 2008Fifth International Conference on Preservation of Digital Objects (iPRES 2008), British Library, London
- Challenges and issues relating to the use of Representation Information for the digital curation of Crystallography and Engineering Data
August 2008International Journal of Digital Curation [ISSN 1746-8256] 3(1), pp. 76-88
- Approaches to Information Curation in Engineering
June 2008Knowledge and Information Management Through-Life Seminar, Institution of Mechanical Engineers, London
- KIM Project Conference 2008
May 2008Ariadne [ISSN 1361-3200] 55
- An approach to accessing product data across system and software revisions
April 2008Advanced Engineering Informatics [ISSN 1474-0346], 22(2), pp. 222–235
- Challenges and issues relating to the use of Representation Information for the digital curation of Crystallography and Engineering Data
December 20073rd International Digital Curation Conference, "Curating our Digital Scientific Heritage: a Global Collaborative Challenge", Washington, D.C.Slides (PPT): http://www.dcc.ac.uk/events/dcc-2007/programme/presentations/Day_Two/Manjula_Patel_1430-1500.pptPaper (PDF): http://www.ijdc.net/.../65
- Lightweight Formats for Product Model Data Exchange and Preservation
October 2007PV 2007: Ensuring the Long-Term Preservation and Value Adding to Scientific and Technical Data, Oberpfaffenhofen, Germany
- Product Representation in Lightweight Formats for Product Lifecycle management (PLM)
September 2007Fourth International Conference on Digital Enterprise Technology (DET 2007), Bath
- KIM Project Conference: Knowledge and Information Management Through Life
May 2007Ariadne [ISSN 1361-3200] 51
- A Grand Challenge: Immortal Information and Through-Life Knowledge Management (KIM)
November 2006International Journal of Digital Curation [ISSN 1746-8256] 1, pp. 53–59Abstract: http://www.ijdc.net/.../9
- Curating Digital Engineering Documents
November 2006Poster, 2nd International Digital Curation Conference, Glasgow
UKOLN, together with the IdMRC at Bath, developed a preservation planning tool for working with 2D and 3D CAD models. RRoRIfE (Registry/Repository of Representation Information for Engineering) is available in both compiled and source code form from Sourceforge.
UKOLN staff working on the KIM Project
Alex Ball
Research Officer
E-mail: a.ball@ukoln.ac.uk
Manjula Patel
Research and Development
E-mail: m.patel@ukoln.ac.uk