]> RDF Data Source for the RDN Record Sharing (rdn_dc) Application Profile using DCAP vocabulary This RDF Data Source contains descriptions of the RDN Record Sharing (rdn_dc) Application Profile and its constiuent property usages, made using IEMSR vocabulary. This version corrected the URIs for obligation ...recommended to ...optionalRecommended. application/rdf+xml JISC Information Environment Metadata Schema Registry Project (IEMSR) The JISC IE Metadata Schema Registry (IEMSR) project is funded by JISC through its Shared Services Programme. The IEMSR project is developing a metadata schema registry as a pilot shared service within the JISC Information Environment. JISC IE Metadata Schema Registry The IEMSR project homepage The RDN Record Sharing (rdn_dc) Application Profile The RDN Record Sharing (rdn_dc) Application Profile is used in metadata records shared between partners within the Resource Discovery Network using the OAI-PMH. Detailed guidance on the values for metadata elements is provided by the RDN Cataloguing Guidelines http://www.rdn.ac.uk/publications/cat-guide/. Resource Discovery Network (RDN) The Resource Discovery Network [RDN] is a collaborative service provided for the UK Further and Higher Education communities. The RDN provides access to high quality Internet resources selected by subject specialists for their value in learning and teaching. Resource Discovery Network homepage Resource Discovery Network homepage RDN cataloguing guidelines Cataloguing guidelines ensure that there is a minimum level of consistency between descriptions that need to be cross-searched; records which are exported to other services; and in the interest of wider interoperability. These guidelines are not meant to replace the fuller guidelines in place at the Hubs, rather they represent a pragmatic step towards increasing the value of the records at those points where interoperability is important - cross searching/browsing, unified presentation, sharing records, etc. RDN cataloguing guidelines - FE addendum Additional guidelines for RDN records targetted at FE. RDN Qualified DC container XML Schema. This schema declares a container element for a Qualified DC application. The declaration of the rdndc element uses the dcterms:elementOrRefinementContainer complexType. 20030323 RDN OAI rdn_dc XML schema(s) Title Transcribe the title preserving the original wording, order and spelling. Either only capitalize proper nouns or: Capitalize titles. The former is in accordance with AACR2 and is preferred. The latter is to ensure conformance of existing records. Punctuation need not reflect the usage of the original. Subtitles should be separated from the title by <space>colon<space> Unbounded Creator Enter personal names, where possible, in the order suggested by AACR2 chapter 22 for headings of persons. Enter corporate names, where possible, in the order suggested by AACR2 chapter 24 for headings for corporate bodies. The inclusion of personal and corporate name headings from authority lists constructed according to AACR2, e.g. the Library of Congress Name Authority File (LCNA), is also acceptable. Unbounded Subject and Keywords For keywords either enter terms as free-text with a semi-colon separating each keyword; or as multiple (repeating/variant) fields. There are no requirements regarding the capitalization of keywords though internal (within Hub) consistency is recommended. The RDNC can provide scripts to convert records that use alternate separators, eg. commas. Where terms are taken from a standard subject scheme: enter a shortened version of the scheme used as a value qualifier and then enter the term/s. The shortened version of the scheme used should be taken from this enumerated list. The value(s) consist(s) of the subject term(s). Transcribe complete subject descriptor according to the relevant scheme. Use the punctuation and capitalisation used in the original scheme. Unbounded Description Free-text description of resource in the context of the describing Hub. Unbounded Publisher Enter personal names, where possible, in the order suggested by AACR2 chapter 22 for headings of persons. Enter corporate names, where possible, in the order suggested by AACR2 chapter 24 for headings for corporate bodies. The inclusion of personal and corporate name headings from authority lists constructed according to AACR2, e.g. the Library of Congress Name Authority File (LCNA), is also acceptable. Unbounded Contributor Enter personal names, where possible, in the order suggested by AACR2 chapter 22 for headings of persons. Enter corporate names, where possible, in the order suggested by AACR2 chapter 24 for headings for corporate bodies. The inclusion of personal and corporate name headings from authority lists constructed according to AACR2, e.g. the Library of Congress Name Authority File (LCNA), is also acceptable. Unbounded Date Either: Dates should be entered in ISO 8601:1988 format. Or: Dates should be entered in a consistent format that can quickly and easily be converted for external (cross-searching, etc.) presentation. Unbounded Resource Type Resource type should be a value selected from either DCMIType or RDNType. Multiple terms should be separated by a semi-colon ';' or be put in repeated attributes. Unbounded Format Recommended best practice is to select a term from IANA registered list of Internet Media Types (or MIME types). Unbounded Resource Identifier : URI When the resource has an URI, enter the complete string with regard to correct spelling, punctuation and capitalisation. Unbounded Resource Identifier Where identifiers other than URIs are present, their presence should be noted using a DC value qualifier (scheme), possibly taken from an enumerated list. Unbounded Source Free-text description of the original version of a resource. Unbounded Language Use the language codes defined in RFC 3066. Unbounded Relation Where the resource being described is a JISC collection or is part of a JISC collection, enter the following URI: http://www.jisc.ac.uk/collections/ Unbounded Coverage Where a term taken from an existing controlled vocabulary has been used (e.g. the Getty Thesaurus of Geographic Names), enter a shortened version of the scheme used as a value qualifier (e.g. TGN) and then enter the term/s. Where more than one term is used, a new element should be used for each one. The shortened version of the scheme used should be taken from an enumerated list. Either: free-text field, or: selected from a list. Unbounded Rights A free-text statement about the rights held in and over the resource or the URI of such a statement. Unbounded Maintainer The email address (encoded as a mailto: URI) or Web page of the administrator of the site or resource being described. Unbounded Audience Education Level Mandatory for RDN records targetted at FE (RDN4FE) Unbounded Subject : Learndirect Mandatory for RDN records targetted at FE (RDN4FE) Unbounded Annotation Mandatory for RDN records targetted at FE (RDN4FE) Unbounded