]> RDF Data Source for the RSLP Collection Description Application Profile This RDF Data Source describes the RSLP Collection Description Application Profile and its constituent property usages. Descriptions are made using the IEMSR RDF vocabulary. application/rdf+xml JISC Information Environment Metadata Schema Registry Project (IEMSR) The JISC IE Metadata Schema Registry (IEMSR) project is funded by JISC through its Shared Services Programme. The IEMSR project is developing a metadata schema registry as a pilot shared service within the JISC Information Environment. JISC IE Metadata Schema Registry The IEMSR project homepage The RSLP Collection Description Application Profile The RSLP Collection Description Application Profile specifies a usage of the Dublin Core metadata vocabularies and the RSLP Terms metadata vocabulary to describe a collection, its location and associated agents. RSLP Collection Description Project The RSLP Collection Description project worked with other RSLP projects, enabling them to describe their collections in a consistent and machine readable way. Based on a thorough modelling of collections and their catalogues, the project developed a collection description metadata schema and associated syntax using the Resource Description Framework (RDF). RSLP Collection Description Project RSLP Collection Description Project homepage RSLP Collection Description: Collection Description Schema RSLP Collection Description Schema Identifier A formal identifier for the collection. unbounded Title The name of the collection. unbounded Description A description of the collection. unbounded unbounded Physical Characteristics The physical or digital characteristics of the collection. unbounded Language The language of the items in the collection. unbounded Type The type of the collection. unbounded unbounded unbounded unbounded unbounded unbounded unbounded Concept A concept (keyword) of the items in the collection. unbounded unbounded unbounded Place The spatial coverage of the items in the collection. unbounded Time The temporal coverage of the items in the collection. unbounded unbounded unbounded Collector An agent who gathers (or gathered) the items in a collection together. unbounded unbounded Sub-collection A second collection contained within the current collection. unbounded Super-collection A second collection that contains the current collection. unbounded unbounded unbounded unbounded unbounded Identifier A formal identifier for the location. unbounded Name The name of the location. unbounded unbounded unbounded unbounded unbounded unbounded unbounded unbounded unbounded Identifier A formal identifier for the agent. unbounded unbounded