]> RDF Data Source for the UK educational levels vocabulary This RDF Data Source contains descriptions of the UKEL values. application/rdf+xml JISC Information Environment Metadata Schema Registry Project (IEMSR) The JISC IE Metadata Schema Registry (IEMSR) project is funded by JISC through its Shared Services Programme. The IEMSR project is developing a metadata schema registry as a pilot shared service within the JISC Information Environment. JISC IE Metadata Schema Registry The IEMSR project homepage Metadata for Education Group (MEG) The Metadata for Education Group (MEG) serves as an open forum for debating the description and provision of educational resources at all educational levels across the United Kingdom. Metadata for Education Group (MEG) homepage Metadata for Education Group (MEG) homepage Level 1 level1 UK Educational Level 1: SCQF Level 1 - (Access 1). Level 2 level2 UK Educational Level 2: SCQF Level 2 - (Access 2). Level 3 level3 UK Educational Level 3: SCQF Level 3 - (Access 3, Standard Grade Foundation level) Level 4 level4 UK Educational Level 4: SCQF Level 4 - (Intermediate 1, Standard Grade General level, SVQ 1) Level 5 level5 UK Educational Level 5: SCQF Level 5 - (Intermediate 2, Standard Grade Credit level, SVQ 2) Level 6 level6 UK Educational Level 6: SCQF Level 6 - (Higher, SVQ 3) Level 7 level7 UK Educational Level 7: SCQF Level 7 - (SHE level 1, Cert HE, HNC, Advanced Higher) Level 8 level8 UK Educational Level 8: SCQF Level 8 - (SHE level 2, Dip HE, HND, SVQ 4) Level 9 level9 UK Educational Level 9: SCQF Level 9 - (SHE level 3, Ordinary degrees) Level 10 level10 UK Educational Level 10: SCQF Level 10 - (SHE level 4, Honours degrees) Level 11 level11 UK Educational Level 11: SCQF Level 11 - (SHE level 5, PG 1, PG Dip, PG Cert, MA, MSc, SVQ 5) Level 12 level12 UK Educational Level 12: SCQF Level 12 - (SHE level 6, PG 2, Ph.D., Doctorate)