Introduction to the IEMSR API
A brief introduction to the workings of the IEMSR SPARQL endpoint (API) is available at the introductory pages.
Several example SPARQL queries and transformations are collected here.
Creating an RSS feed of new data from the IEMSR
One important use of a registry is to keep repository managers up to date with the newest developments of the metadata standards that they use.
This can be achieved using a SPARQL query to retrieve XML data, and an XSL stylesheet to transform it to RSS.
Supporting internationalisation via a metadata schema registry
The ability to support multiple languages is an increasingly important one as services move into practical use nationally and internationally. Here, a simple 'live' demo shows how existing data can be reused to provide basic form labels and documentation.
Live demo of internationalisation
PREFIX rdf: <> PREFIX iemsr: <> PREFIX rdfs: <> PREFIX dc: <> SELECT $n $title $titleen $description $i WHERE { $n rdfs:label $titleen . $n rdfs:label $title . $n rdfs:comment $description . $n iemsr:isMemberOf <> . FILTER langMatches( lang($title), "Fr" ) . FILTER langMatches( lang($titleen), "EN" ) . FILTER langMatches( lang($description), "EN" ) . OPTIONAL { $n rdfs:comment $i. FILTER langMatches( lang($i), "Fr" ) . } }
Prototyping structures in DC
As many will be aware, the entity-relationship model (specifically, at present, the FRBR structure) has caused a lot of spirited discussion. The IEMSR has a prototype means of handling this - the treatment of structural information as a 'special property type'. A brief demo that pulls structural and property information from the IEMSR has been created to demonstrate this, and can be found at the beta website.