]> RDF Data Source for the IEMSR Obligation vocabulary This RDF Data Source contains descriptions of the IEMSR Obligation vocabulary and its constituent terms. application/rdf+xml JISC Information Environment Metadata Schema Registry Project (IEMSR) The JISC IE Metadata Schema Registry (IEMSR) project is funded by JISC through its Shared Services Programme. The IEMSR project is developing a metadata schema registry as a pilot shared service within the JISC Information Environment. JISC IE Metadata Schema Registry The IEMSR project homepage Mandatory mandatory An occurrence of a statement using this property must be present in the description. Optional (Recommended) optionalRecommended An occurrence of a statement using this property may be present in the description. While it is not required, it is recommended that such a statement is present. Optional optional An occurrence of a statement using this property may be present in the description. Conditional conditional An occurrence of a statement using this property is required to be present in the description under certain conditions.