JISC IE Metadata Schema Registry

WP3: Registry Tools Development - Desktop Client

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The JISC IE Metadata Schema Registry (IEMSR) desktop schema creation tool is a Java application for creating metadata schemas, application profiles (APs) for Dublin Core and LOM. It allows loading and saving locally as well as interrogating the IEMSR registry data server to encourage reuse. The resulting schemas and APs can be uploaded to the data server and then browsed and searched via the IEMSR website interface.

Download Client software

The SourceForge schemas project hosts the CVS repository and provides live browsing of the CVS for the source code and checking out of IEMSR sources from CVS.

Releases can be found the files area

Running the Client

The client is written in Java and uses the Eclipse SWT+JFace library to provide a natural interface across Microsoft Windows (win32), Linux (X + GTK) and OSX (Carbon). For each of those systems, you need different libraries from the Eclipse web site to provide the interface, as well as the java libraries that the client uses.

The Common Java parts are:

Here are the scripts / batch files that set up the jar files and shared libraries to run the client.

Microsoft Windows

Use iemsr-client.bat to run the jar files above plus DLLs swt-awt-win32-3063.dll and swt-win32-3063.dll (in swt-3.0.1-win32.zip).

Edit JENA to point to the root of jena2 install, ECLIPSE to point to the directory containing the SWT dlls above, LOG4J to the base of the log4j release, IEMSR to point to the directory containing the client jar file, APP_JAR to the file name of the client jar file.

Linux (X + GTK)

Use iemsr-client.sh to run the jar files above plus the SWT and JFace GTK shared libraries libswt-atk-gtk-3063.so, libswt-awt-gtk-3063.so, libswt-gnome-gtk-3063.so, libswt-gtk-3063.so, libswt-mozilla-gtk-3063.so, and libswt-pi-gtk-3063.so (in swt-3.0.1-linux-gtk.zip).

Edit jena to point to the jena 2.1 tree, eclipse to the root of the eclipse 3.1.0 tree, log4j_jar_path to the log4j jar file, iemsr to the directory containing the client jar file and app_jar to the file name of the client jar file

OSX (Carbon)

Use iemsr-client-osx.sh to run the jar files above plus the SWT and JFace Carbon frameworks (in swt-3.0.1-macosx-carbon.zip).

Edit jena to point to the jena 2.1 tree, eclipse to the root of the eclipse 3.1.0 tree, log4j_jar_path to the log4j jar file, iemsr to the directory containing the client jar file and app_jar to the file name of the client jar file.


Before end of project
