Citing network models of disease and associated data
SageCite will develop and test a Citation Framework linking data, methods and publications. The domain of bio-informatics provides a case study, and the project builds on existing infrastructure and tools: myExperiment and the Sage Commons. Citations of complex network models of disease and associated data will be embedded in leading publications, exploring issues around the citation of data including the compound nature of datasets, description standards and identifiers. The project has international links with the Concept Web Alliance and Bio2RDF. The partners are UKOLN, the University of Manchester and the British Library (representing DataCite), with contributions from Nature Genetics and PLOS. The project is funded by JISC through the Managing Research Data programme.
The project will work through a number of workpackages comprising:
- Review and evaluation of options and approaches for data citation
- Understanding the requirements for citing large-scale network models of disease and compound research obejcts
- Demonstration of a citation-enabled workflow using a linked data approach
- Benefits mapping using the KRDS2 taxonomy
- Technical and policy implications of citation by leading publishers
- Dissemination across communities (bio-informatics and reseaerch and information communities)
Further details and updates are available from the project website and blog, please follow the link to Project main page.