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Public Library People

Configuring Outlook Express for LDAP

start configuration

start configuration

1. Select the Outlook icon in the
Start menu

Configuring Outlook for this
consists of adding the name
of the LDAP server
(i.e. and
choosing a 'friendly name'.
Then the "search base"
(the place in the directory to
begin the search)
has to be added.
It is fairly straightforward
as the following screen
captures show.

start configuration

Select the 'tools' menu
option from the menu bar
at the top of the window.

start configuration

In the 'Tools' menu
select 'Accounts'
from the pull-down menu.

select the tools menu

4. To Add the directory service
click on the 'Add' button.
Then in the pull-down menu
select 'Directory Service'.

select the Add button

Enter the LDAP server's name
(without the quotes)
you are not required to
log onto this server so,
you may safely ignore the checkbox.

enter the server name

Choose an easy to remember
name (e.g. Public Library search)
Then click on 'next' and 'finished'

choose a name

7. Almost there!

Highlight the new
'' entry
and select the 'properties'
tab once again, then
choose the 'advanced' tab.

set the properties

... click on the 'advanced' tab

choose advanced tab

This is the last part,
however, the following string
must be entered with care,
it is a LDAP search string
(cryptic looking - don't be
concerned with the odd syntax
just enter it as shown - no quotes)

again, this is how string looks

add the search base string to the search box


Finished !

Now try a search
"Andy Powell" is sure to be in there.

try a search