Slide 9 of 23
- Libraries will provide access to the increasing amount of official information available online. (Mention if your council has a website, what kind of information is provided, what plans are there for developing it?)
- It will be easier to communicate with government through e-mails and websites - people will be able to fill in forms and request council services through terminals in the library. Currently people can read and comment on the recent Freedom of Information White Paper on the Government website. (Do your councillors have e-mail addresses yet?)
- Teledemocracy - canvassing opinion and voting electronically.
You could use the Linda Consults the People scenario here (slide 20)
Powerpoint Users: if you want to use the Linda Consults the People scenario click on the large image to go to the relevant slide - when you have finished the scenario click on the image of Linda to come back to this slide.