Here are some practical guidelines.

Viewing on screen. Any incidental copying to disk involved in the viewing of part or all of an electronic publication should be considered fair dealing.

Printing onto paper. Printing onto paper of one copy of part of an electronic publication should be considered fair dealing if done by an individual or by a librarian at the request of an individual for the purpose of research or private study.

Copying onto disk of part of an electronic publication. Copying onto disk of part of an electronic publication for permanent local storage should be considered fair dealing if done by an individual where the disk is either a portable medium or a fixed medium accessible to only one user at a time, or if done by a librarian at the request of an individual where the disk is a portable medium.

Copying onto disk of all of an electronic publication. Copying onto disk of all of an electronic publication is not fair dealing and the permission of the rightsholder should be sought in all cases.

Transmission to enable printing of part of an electronic publication. Transmission by computer network of part of an electronic publication for the purpose of printing a single copy with only such interim electronic storage as is required to facilitate that printing should be considered fair dealing.

Transmission of all of an electronic publication. Transmission by computer network of all of an electronic publication is not fair dealing and the permission of the rightsholder should be sought in all cases.

Transmission for permanent storage of part of an electronic publication. Transmission of part of an electronic publication by a librarian over a computer network to an individual at their request for permanent electronic storage (but not retransmission) should be considered fair dealing.

Posting on a network. Posting of part or all of an electronic publication on a network or WWW site open to the public is not fair dealing and the permission of the rightsholder should be sought in all cases.

These notes for guidance are based upon "Guidelines for fair dealing in an electronic environment" published by the Joint Information Systems Committee and the Publishers’ Association. They refer to the UK only and neither JISC nor the PA take any responsibility for any action based upon these notes.