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The preparation of any manifesto is a process of investigation and analysis, of taking soundings and looking at outside influences and putting results and conclusions into a framework of cost and feasibility
I will attempt to look at what surrounds us, in the United Kingdom, referencing my remarks with illustrations from my own involvement in what was termed this week as the most interesting and innovative development seen so far. This flattery came from a group of Further Education College managers from the Netherlands on a study and observation visit to several UK organisations. Sheffield Hallam University has built a stylish, modern building to house an environment in which we can contribute to the acquisition of knowledge by learning and offer opportunities to acquire and practice of information skills by our students and staff. I know we have a significant development at Sheffield Hallam University, we have it thanks to the commitment of the University managers but it has been realised by the vision and determination of the Director of the Learning Centre, Graham Bulpitt. The flagship of our enterprise is a building called the Adsetts Centre and I am happy to talk informally with anyone interested in what we have achieved