The Bigger Picture: cultural change and the eLib programme


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Table of Contents

The Bigger Picture: cultural change and the eLib programme

eLib Supporting Study (March-July 1997)

Background to eLib

Programme areas within eLib

Programme areas within eLib

The project brief:

The project brief:

Approach and methods

Cultural change

Cultural change defined

A working definition of cultural change

Cultural change is not:

Reasons why we need mobilisation of cultural change

Reasons why we need mobilisation of cultural change

The Stakeholders

The Stakeholders:

The Stakeholders

Causal factors in cultural change

Causal factors in cultural change

Causal factors in cultural change

Causal factors in cultural change

General Initial Findings

Training initiatives

Training initiatives

Training initiatives

Librarians as catalysts in the change process

Future needs and recommendations

Future needs and recommendations

Changing work trends

Changing work trends


Other information:
This Presentation was given as part of the 11th UK-Nordic Conference, Training for Change, New Skills in the Electronic Library, October 1997

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