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R. L. Grossman[1], A. Sundaram[1], H. Ramamoorthy[1], M. Wu[1], S. Hogan[2], J. Shuler[2],[ ]and O. Wolfson[1]
[1]Laboratory for Advanced Computing, University of Illinois at Chicago, Dept. of Mathematics, Statistics and Computer Science, 851 S. Morgan Street, 322 SEO mail code 249, Chicago, IL 60607-7045, nisp@math.uic.edu
[2]Main Library, University of Illinois at Chicago, 851 S. Morgan Street, 1-280 LIB, mail code 234, Chicago, IL 60607-7045
We developed a prototype of a digital library designed to browse, query, mine and visualize large amounts of scientific, numerical and statistical data. The system currently provides access to the U.S. Government Budget for FY93, 94 and 95. Our point of view is to regard the data as collections of objects distributed over a wide area network. We manage the objects using a high performance, low overhead object manager we have developed called ptool. Ptool interfaces to a hierarchical storage system including tape to provide the potential of accessing terabyte size data sets. The system caches, migrates and replicates collections of objects over a wide area network to achieve higher performance. We have also developed specialized tools to query, analyze, mine, and visualize the data. Additional economics and statistics data should be available through the system soon.
Keywords: Digital library, object manager, scientific & statistical database, visualization.
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