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The impact of electronic publishing on library services and resources in the UK

3.7.4 Library access

A multiplicity of media implies the need to develop a policy for user access to materials presented via different media. If access to all media is to be ensured, appropriate access devices (including necessary software) will have to be made available and maintained, for use in the library or at the workplace, or possibly for individual loan. If access to audio-visual or other multimedia materials is envisaged, this will affect the design of user access points within the library. The question of whether or not to make individual packages, such as CD-ROMs, available for loan, will also have to be addressed. Decisions in this area will be conditioned by the extent to which the librarian will be responsible for overseeing the use of materials on electronic media, to ensure, for example, that copyright regulations or other terms and conditions of use are properly complied with.

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