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The impact of electronic publishing on library services and resources in the UK

Appendix 1 - Membership of Working Party

Ms Sheila Corrall
Institute of Information Scientists

Mr Sidney Davies
Booksellers Association

Professor Bernard Donovan

Mr Brendan Loughridge

Mr Bernard Naylor

Mr Alan Singleton
Publishers Association

Mr Keith Sweetmore
Society of Archivists

Mr Ray Templeton
Library Association

Mr Rollo Turner

Mr Brian Perry (Chairman)
British Library

Dr Terry Cannon
Ms Margaret Croucher
Mr John Martyn
Programme Coordinator

Mr Peter Vickers

Invited speakers

Professor Charles Oppenheim
University of Strathclyde

Mr Chris Batt
Croydon Public Library

Dr Marilyn Deegan
Office for Humanities Communication

Ms Jane Dorner
Authors' Licensing and Collecting Society

Ms Lynne Brindley
British Library of Political & Economic Science

Mr David Brown
DJB Associates

Dr Nick Smith
Aston University

Dr Sandra Ward
Glaxo Group Research Ltd

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