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The impact of electronic publishing on library services and resources in the UK

Licence Agreements checklist


Check the appropriate box with a tick (’) if this issue is covered to your satisfaction in the agreement.
Check the appropriate box with a cross (x) is this issue is covered, but not to your satisfaction in the agreement. Leave the appropriate box blank is this issue is not covered at all in the agreement.

Product names:
Overall clarity[ ]
Clause headings[ ]
Networking licence
Consortium[ ]
Organisational[ ]
Site(s)[ ]
Concurrent users[ ]
Specified workstations [ ]
Metered usage[ ]
Remote access included [ ]
Remote access extra[ ]
Leasing vs purchase
Product is purchased[ ]
Sub cancelled: network fees continue[ ]
Sub cancelled: network fees continue[ ]
Sub cancelled: royalties continue[ ]
Replacement fee for discs if lost, etc.[ ]
Disc insured by supplier[ ]
Disc insured by subscriber[ ]
(Re-)use of information
Permanent downloading permitted[ ]
Permanent downloading fee[ ]
Third-party use negotiable[ ]
Available/negotiable[ ]
Classes of subscriber specified[ ]
Obligations of suppliers
Help desk available[ ]
User group[ ]
Reference site(s)[ ]
Refunds[ ]
Compatible systems specified[ ]
Superseded discs
Return to supplier[ ]
Subscriber to destroy[ ]
Retain for training only[ ]
Term and termination
Sub period: one year[ ]
Sub period: longer[ ]
Termination date defined by signature date[ ]
Termination date end Dec.[ ]
Notice period 1-3 months[ ]
Notice period other[ ]
Other criteria
(please specify your own)

Prepared on behalf of the Working Party by:

Dr Nick Smith
Head of Information Services
Library & Information Services
Aston University
Aston Triangle
B4 7ET

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