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The impact of electronic publishing on library services and resources in the UK


I have great pleasure in commending the contents of this report to the UK library and information community. To those, including myself, closely involved in the deliberations leading to the production of the report Information UK 2000, it was clear that electronic publishing, in all its manifestations, was one of the major topics which would dominate the information world for the next decade. It was therefore appropriate for the British Library to set up the Working Party that has produced this report on the impact of electronic publishing.

It has been a great pleasure to chair and work with the members of the Working Party, who not only represented the interests of their learned/professional societies, but also have all contributed considerable amounts of time and effort to this task. I should particularly like to thank Bernard Donovan, who early on focussed our minds by drafting a proposed report outline, and John Martyn and Peter Vickers for the compilation and editorial work, as well as making substantial contributions in their own right.


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