Follett Report
Chapter 7 - Information Technology
- 238.
- The potential for further application of information technology
(IT) is one of the single most important areas which has been considered
by the Review Group. It is also one where specific investment by the
funding councils is essential, and is likely to have considerable
effect. This chapter discusses the likely direction of future change,
and makes recommendations for funding council action.
- 239.
- The shape of things to come cannot be forecast precisely, and
information technology is a rapidly developing field. Even so, the broad
outline of likely developments and their application over the next five
to ten years is reasonably clear, and while seeking to adopt a practical
and realistic approach to the likely impact of information technology,
the Review Group believes that it has the potential radically to alter
the way information is provided and used in higher education. These
opportunities should be embraced with enthusiasm.
- 240.
- Information technology makes it possible for almost every kind of
information to be stored, accessed and transmitted electronically, and
without reference to traditional print on paper media. As an
illustration of these possibilities the concept of the electronic or
"virtual library" is helpful. In a "virtual library", all information
would be held electronically. The user working at an information
terminal would have the information required, regardless of its
physical location. Indeed, to the user the location of information is
irrelevant, as is the location of the terminal which provides the means
of access to information. Librarians would essentially be enablers of
information access, regardless of its form and location. Some of these
ideas are developed in the sketches on pages 60-63.
- 241.
- In practice, most libraries will continue to combine traditional
media with electronic media for the foreseeable future, and the purely
electronic or "virtual library" will be rare. As a guide to what is
possible it is however an important concept.
- 242.
- This chapter considers developments in information technology in
relation to the provision of library and information services which will
stimulate greater use of electronic media and enable higher education
institutions to benefit from the many opportunities now opening up. The
Review Group has sought to identify areas where IT might be employed to
underpin significant shifts in the ways library services operate, and
which, if implemented, would provide an impetus for change across the
whole higher education library sector. Whilst much of what follows is of
primary relevance to the role of libraries in support of the researcher,
some also affects their position in support of teaching and learning.
Discussion of these issues is brought together in a single chapter, but
many of the recommendations made here need to be taken in the context of
the discussion of other aspects of library provision in the preceding
- 242.
- This chapter also draws on the work of the former ISC's Libraries
Initiative, whose goals were to contribute to meeting the needs of an
expanding undergraduate population, and to facilitate resource sharing
without creating new research libraries. Through its major
recommendations it seeks implementation of the main elements of that
initiative. It also takes account of other relevant developments such as
the creation of the SuperJANET network.
- 243.
- The Review Group has focused on how to facilitate development
towards the electronic library, and on the following issues in
- the electronic delivery of documents over networks;
- the potential impact of electronic publishing;
- the electronic availability of teaching materials for students;
- opportunities for resource sharing and practical co-operation;
- an integrated approach to information access and delivery in a
complex environment.
- 245.
- The recommendations made by the Review Group are intended to offer
practical proposals, with a time horizon for significant impact over the
next five to ten years, and to exclude areas where it is judged that IT
cannot provide solutions in the short to medium term.
- 246.
- Before considering information technology itself in more detail,
copyright issues are dealt with first, because unless progress is made
in this area, the potential of information technology is unlikely to be
realised. Arrangements are needed which protect all legitimate
interests, but which at the same time do not stifle opportunities for
the new products and services made possible by new technologies and
- 247.
- Electrocopying - electronic copying of text and other
electronically held material - is potentially the most contentious issue
as it is perceived to create threats and opportunities for both owners
and users. The basic threats perceived by the owners of the information
concern their ability to control distribution, and to the integrity of
the material. Publishers have traditionally controlled the distribution
of their works through agency agreements and other contracts. In the
eyes of publishers conversion into electronic formats only serves to
exacerbate problems of control. They consider that it will be difficult
to control access to their materials and see a need for information
about how they are used by libraries, private individuals, industry or
- 248.
- The major threat seen by users is that the publishers will not
permit copying into electronic formats. This would severely inhibit the
development of new services in libraries and the use of computer
technology by end-users for storing and consulting text. Generally
publishers do not wish to prohibit access but rather to control it in
order to ensure adequate payments. On the other hand, it would be
damaging to the interests of users if charges were excessive.
General Principles
- 249.
- In dealing with these concerns, the HE sector has first to
recognise that publishers' and authors' interests in copyright
protection (qualified by "fair dealing" provisions) are legitimate and
that copyright is a defensible means of protecting their investment and
intellectual property rights (IPR). If freer copying and more flexible
use of material results in loss of revenue it will force reduction of
print runs which will mean higher prices. Recognition of this
legitimacy, and open appreciation that most publishers are, of
necessity, commercially orientated, is the required starting point for
the HE community to approach the copyright debate. Confrontational
approaches have not in the past been successful, and are unlikely to be
so in the future.
- 250.
- Second, publishers need to recognise that the use and manipulation
of copyright material is inevitable in higher education, and that it is
by no means always unreasonable or illegitimate. They must be
pragmatic and recognise that new technology will inevitably alter the
means whereby information is disseminated, and that the way forward is
to agree a basis for the use of the technology. Publishers and authors
have had to accept photocopying where it is carried out by an individual
for his or her private use as legitimate "fair dealing". Similar
applications of electrocopying should be recognised as equally
- 251.
- Third, it needs to be recognised that the legislative framework
affecting copyright is unlikely to change significantly in the
foreseeable future. Certainly it is doubtful whether any future changes
in the law would lessen the protection given to authors and publishers.
What is more likely is that legislation will be extended to give clearer
definition to the protection given to copyright material stored and
transmitted electronically. Copyright law is recognised in almost every
country in the world as an essential protection for authors and
publishers, and the principles it embodies and the benefits it brings
are widely accepted. There is the possibility that EU legislation may
affect copyright law in the UK, not necessarily in ways which interested
parties in the UK would find beneficial; and it is important that the
Department of Trade and Industry is alert to this and that it consults
with the HE community (and particularly librarians) should EU action
seem liable to occur.
- 252.
- Fourth, the suggestion that HE institutions might themselves become
publishers should be viewed realistically, and with some caution. In
both the USA and the UK, many small university presses have been
uneconomic. Of course, many learned societies themselves publish
successful journals, either independently or in conjunction with ishers,
but while in some fields this may be viable it should be recognised that
producing, marketing and distributing books and journals is a
complicated and expensive matter, and one which institutions in general
have neither the skills nor the resources to undertake.
- 253.
- Fifth, it should be appreciated that electronic dissemination of
material does not in itself provide any easy answers to copyright
questions, nor simple solutions to libraries' funding problems. Whilst
information technology can facilitate access to material, authors and
publishers of work in electronic form will continue to want their
copyright protected, and overall costs may not be much lower than for
the traditional printed form.
- 254.
- Finally, those involved in higher education, having recognised that
publishers and authors may legitimately protect their revenues through
copyright, should accept that electrocopying and reproduction of
materials should be subject to regulation. However, the academic
community is entitled to expect that regulation - which will mostly be
via licensing - will produce systems which work speedily, have
predictable results and are demonstrably fair.
The Way Forward
- 255.
- This Report's publication offers an opportunity for a constructive
dialogue to take place between publishers and higher education interests
to resolve current uncertainties and difficulties. Publishers should be
prepared to be receptive to the requirements and interests of higher
education if the latter can offer:
- a.
- An understanding that licensing agreements should be effectively
policed. Institutions must develop an ethos in which abuse of copyright
is recognised as illegal. ntal benefit for publishers through the
policing of copying of material will be an indication of the level of
demand for and interest in various titles).
- b.
- The opportunity to take forward work on developing technical
controls to monitor electrocopying and particularly to monitor mass
dissemination. Much of the necessary technology is currently becoming
- 256.
- There is a clear role for the funding councils to take a lead in
creating a dialogue between publishers and the higher education
community - and a willingness to play such a role would be more valuable
than any financial commitment. The objective of an initiative would be
to reach an accommodation between the two sides which is based on mutual
understanding, assurance and awareness of the legitimate interests of
each. Such an understanding would be eased if there was some market
research undertaken to indicate the level and mechanisms of payments
which would be acceptable to all concerned for the reproduction of
materials for both undergraduate teaching and academic research.
- 257.
- The Review Group believes that the way forward is to establish a
model agreement with a number of individual publishers representing a
cross-section of publishing interests. The Review Group therefore
recommends that as a starting point, a pilot initiative between a small
number of institutions and a similar number of publishing houses should
be sponsored by the funding councils to demonstrate in practical terms
how material can be handled, stored and distributed electronically while
protecting publishers' copyright. The councils should be prepared to
provide modest operating costs to support this initiative.
Information Technology and Libraries: Current Developments
- 258.
- A number of important developments are already in hand which will
contribute towards the infrastructure necessary for greater use of
information technology in libraries. The Review Group has considered how
this contribution can be made more effective.
- 259.
- At present, the Joint Academic Network (JANET) links 150 sites in
the UK and provides connections to networks worldwide. It provides
facilities for electronic mail, file transfer, direct use of remote
machines (including central supercomputers), bulletin boards, access to
national library services and around 100 on-line library catalogues, and
gateways to international networks. The national network carries
services used by teachers and researchers across all disciplines and
will foster new and improved ways of inter-university cooperation.
- 256.
- A major new function of the JISC is the implementation of
SuperJANET, an advanced fibre optic network that will have the potential
for a thousand fold increase in JANET performance. This will provide an
excellent basis for mounting networked information and document delivery
services; and for providing a platform for multimedia communication and
electronic journals. However, institutions will need pervasive internal
networks if they are to take full advantage of the networked information
services which will be available over SuperJANET. Many institutions not
previously funded by the UFC have neither a connection to JANET, nor
internal networks to enable them to take proper advantage of
SuperJANET's potential.
- 261.
- It is important that all institutions should be able to benefit
from SuperJANET, and the Review Group therefore recommends that
institutions should review their internal network as part of the overall
information strategy to ensure it is up to a standard where it can make
use of services provided over JANET and its successors. To encourage
this, it also recommends that the funding councils, through the JISC,
should support a study to assess the cost to former non-UFC institutions
of bringing their networking facilities up to a standard where they can
make use of the services provided over the also recommends that DENI
should give early consideration to the extension of SuperJANET to
Northern Ireland.
- 262.
- Finally, the Review Group recommends that the funding councils
(through the JISC) and DENI should collaborate in securing access, at
the most advantageous tariffs, to advanced data and telecommunication
networks (including SuperJANET and Internet) for the HE sector as a
Navigational Tools
- 263.
- The advent of computer networks has enabled researchers to find,
exchange and share information with colleagues throughout the world.
Each researcher who is connected to the global Internet has the
potential for "publishing" information to the rest of the world via this
network. To date only a small number of users are taking advantage of
this, but the problems of information searching, discovery and retrieval
are already significant. Computing and networking experts are therefore
facing the problems that librarians have had to deal with for hundreds
of years: those of classifying (networked) information resources, of
uniquely identifying them and then of enabling users to identify and
locate the information which they require.
- 264.
- As networks have grown, there has been an increase in the number of
software tools and applications to navigate them in order to search for
and locate the many information resources available. Within the past 18
months there has been widespread adoption of networked information
discovery and retrieval (NIDR) tools and a corresponding effort to
enhance and customise them to meet the needs of particular groups of
- 265.
- To date most of these tools have been developed by volunteer effort
and there has been no funding to support them. A more systematic
approach is needed and it is ed that the JISC should fund the
development of a limited number of top level networking navigation tools
in the UK to encourage the growth of local subject based tools and
information servers. The report of the IT sub-group sets out details of
the proposed initiative and it will be forwarded to the JISC.
- 266.
- In tandem with this, attention also needs to be paid to training
both library staff in the use of networked information retrieval and the
use of networking tools in general. This is dealt with in paragraphs
305-309 below.
Information Systems Strategies
- 267.
- The JISC has proposed an initiative to assist institutions to
develop information systems strategies by developing a framework for
them to adopt and adapt for this purpose. This will include suggestions
for performance indicators and methods of evaluation and monitoring. The
JISC's Information Systems Strategy initiative will have important
management and policy implications and these should include
consideration of how these impinge on library management.
- 268.
- There is clearly a relationship between this initiative and the
recommendation in chapter four that all institutions should include in
their overall institutional plan an information strategy. The Group
recommends that this information strategy should be sufficiently widely
drawn to encompass the information systems strategy proposed by the
- 269.
- Greater use of IT in libraries will inevitably involve
communication between information systems over a wide area. Services
will be required which allow a user to or information and gain access to
it (for instance via a CD-ROM or an OPAC (Online Public Access
Catalogue)) without switching between terminals, user interfaces or
command languages. Services will be built on the basis of the routine
exchange of documents between libraries themselves, between libraries
and publishers, and between libraries, publishers, and document
- 270.
- These requirements have hitherto been addressed by a variety of
customised approaches which are usually incompatible. The flexibility of
future solutions will be limited unless standard communications,
applications and data interchange services are developed. International
standards are now beginning to emerge for the construction of
distributed information resources on server systems in the United States
which are potentially of strategic importance for future library and
information services in the UK.
- 271.
- The UK higher education community has had limited input into these
standardisation activities. The Review therefore recommends that the
funding councils should invite the JISC to monitor the development of
these standards, and that financial support should be made available if
required to take forward developments of benefit in the UK. It also
recommends that funding should be provided to mount an innovative
demonstrator project using the searching tools mentioned above.
The Virtual Library
The year 2001 is fast approaching, but we are far from the world
envisaged by Arthur C Clarke and Stanley Kubrick in the film of the same
name produced in the late 1960s. In libraries as in space exploration,
predicting the future is rarely simple. Most forecasts turn out to be
inaccurate, and factors other than technological ones are often
critical. However, to illustrate some of the possibilities opened up by
the technology of the "virtual library", we offer the following three
sketches produced during the work T sub-group.
An Undergraduate's Day
There was a loud bleeping noise from the computer. Alice awoke with
a start and then groaned. She had forgotten to switch off the computer
alarm which now flashed at her from the screen at the opposite side of
her study-bedroom. Her screen displays not only her favourite soap
operas, but more importantly output from the pc that she and all other
first year students had purchased upon their enrolment three years ago.
Alice gets up and, as on most mornings, turns to her computer to
check the day's events. She asks it to display a list of any recent
messages, their senders' names and the topic. She saves for later the
two messages from her mother (who has just acquired a hand-held pc at
home in Aberdeen). Her eye is caught by an URGENT message from her
German tutor. It reminds her that the final version of her term's essay
is overdue: she has been struggling with a comparative assessment of the
sentence structure in Heinrich Boll and Gunter Grass, using a new
software package called down from Bremen University. She replies with a
message that she will submit the paper later that day. She checks her
on-line timetable. She may have to skip a lecture on European monetary
union, being beamed in from Strasbourg, but that's not too much of a
problem as it will be recorded and replayable on demand over the campus
video-review channel. More importantly the Departmental on-line calendar
reminds her that this afternoon the Department plays its football match
against the Physics Department in the Challenge Cup quarter finals, a
game not to be missed!
A quick breakfast and then Alice asks the computer to display her
draft "paper", (an anachronism since papers seldom are written on paper
in this university), which had been returned yesterday with suggestions
and comments from her tutor highlighted y in the margins. He suggests
two further references. Alice switches to the library catalogue.
Fortunately one reference is available on the campus textbook server:
she requests it for printing in the hall of residence. The other
reference takes longer to locate: it is an electronic journal article
and will cost 10 for immediate transmission. Second groan of the day -
her credit card limit is going to be stretched, but it's urgent. She
calls up the abstract/front page option on screen, decides it will be
worth reading, swipes the credit card and in a few seconds the article
is on screen, transmitted over the networks from an electronic document
delivery exchange in Colorado. And so her day unfolds....
The Academic
Meanwhile, Professor Higgins has arrived in her office. As Head of
Department she checks the electronic diary for her own immediate
commitments, and for those of colleagues, both on the local campus and
those associate lecturers who work from their homes, mostly in the
Border Country and beyond. There is a message from the Departmental
administrator who has checked the latest Departmental accounts: the
error was a simple one so the Department still has some funds left! She
sees that the Vice-Chancellor is not free until six o'clock in the
evening and leaves an urgent message because she needs to see him
face-to-face to discuss a recruitment problem. There is just time before
the first lecture of the day to check through a manuscript with several
minor queries, which is just in by e-mail from a colleague from Texas.
Queries are answered, and the corrected document is returned to await
her, when she starts work in a few hours time. The library is pressing
again for reading lists (another anachronism, as the list are for
multi-media materials, computer courseware, video programmes, with only
one book and two printed journals included). She needs to verify a
couple of references, and so scans the on-line catalogues of the UK. No
luck, but eventually they are located in Sydney and she mails the
library to get an urgent fax for reading tonight. On screen she skims
the minutes of yesterday's Senate: no more informative electronically
than they were on paper - thank goodness for electronic wastepaper bins!
She checks through the video link that the experiment she set up
yesterday in the lab is under control. It looks good and the data log is
producing some interesting results already, which can be displayed on
her screen and saved for later examination.
A quick walk to the audio-visual studio for a seminar with a dozen
students, taking her final year course in molecular modelling. Just four
are here on campus, the others being located in similar studios around
the UK. They will be simulating the experiment that took place live last
week, and which was beamed in from Berlin. She calls down the
appropriate courseware and checks with the computer technician that the
network and pc connections are set up for each student.
And so her day goes on.....
The Virtual Librarian
Meanwhile, the librarian has a meeting first thing with the group
responsible for a new course on "Redesigning the Inner City", for which
he has assembled a package of material written within the department,
along with a wide range of other resources. These include review
articles, some commercially published for which copyright clearance had
been paid, and some from "MasterClass" and "Improf", the collaborative
inter-university resource banks. They also comprise links to the main
library catalogues and the relevant abstracting and news feed services
to which the University subscribes, sample sets of demographic data,
previous examination papers, and a range of example dissertations from
previous years. With another colleague in Information Systems, a
software specialist, all this has been loaded into the departmental
server, and wrapped into a brief hypertext overview of the course.
The meeting is soon over. All the units had been written to
schedule, the course had been successfully previewed at the recent
annual conference, and two universities had shown serious interest in
using the course materials as a basis for their own teaching. The
librarian enjoyed this close involvement with teaching. Over the last
few years he had stopped trying to predict his future: innovation and
change had come unexpectedly, leading him down unexplored avenues. "Just
go with the flow, and paddle like mad", he thought. Some had been
delightful, like the ease with which he had written and set up a
fully-indexed subject guide on the "Economica Europa" server, and the
enthusiastic responses and contributions from around the world that had
followed. Nonetheless each technical innovation, by making information
even more accessible for the economists or the people in International
Relations, obliged him to seek out something else new to offer, to be
one jump ahead. And the undergraduates seemed to pick it up so quickly
these days.
He crossed the campus. Some of the old University Library had been
given over for parking since the building was extraordinarily strong,
and had successfully resisted the installation of so much cable. The new
buildings were light, flexible and unpretentious. One architect had been
bitter: "since religion and government command no centre, libraries were
the last great symbols of society for my profession to design. Now even
you offer no certainty!"
The role of the University Librarian had changed. Once it had been a
stock character part, the very image of scholarly exactitude, ever open
to trade influence for tradition, a relic of the institution's past and
uninvolved with its future. Now, the reformists' cry of "access not
holdings" had worked right through the information chain. Publishers had
abandoned their warehouses - they too could adopt "just in time"
management: their role was now in packaging, marketing and brokering.
The actual storage of knowledge -the articles, texts, interactive
experiences - had been passed back to its iversities and elsewhere, to
be retrieved, reformatted into the house style, and delivered to whoever
ordered it. So the Library had gradually picked up both ends of the
chain: managing the University's backlist and negotiating its sale and
delivery world-wide. At the same time it worked with academic staff in a
more traditional function to identify and garner good material from the
ends of the earth - and within budget.
Universities' librarians had been quick to use the network to reduce
duplication of effort. Indeed a quarter of the professional staff were
working on central or jointly-funded consortium projects, and another
quarter on one and two year programmes funded by the University. The
University Librarian was now an equal seeker after R&D; money, and his
staff's job security depended not on a never-reducing cataloguing
backlog but on good project control with results on time.
He had coffee with Mary, who was still called Head of Cataloguing.
In practice most new books now went onto the shelves within a day. One
swipe of the barcode settled up with the booksellers, who had already
added the details both to their catalogue and the regional database, and
had printed out the labels to be stuck in the book.
There were still a few things to clear up for the course team. They
had opted to produce a small course reader of only 20 articles in order
to give the students access to a far larger document set on-line:
copyright charges for print were still relatively high. He logged in to
the on-demand "Master Class" server at the neighbouring university,
identified the articles to be printed, and ordered initially 50 copies
for delivery on Monday. He cleared the invoice on-line: it still left
enough in the resource budget for generous use of newspapers and other
expensive database items, even a thirty-minute virtual reality trip as
chairman of the city council. In the afternoon he ran a weekly seminar
on "information discovery and management". He had done this for several
years. The discovery elements, knowing where and how to use the many
network ressively easier. He had always insisted that academic staff
came with their students: it wasn't that the students treated it as an
unnecessary side-show - rather they could run ahead of their tutors if
Information Technology and Libraries: Future Developments
- 272.
- This section considers further practical steps which the Review
Group believes need to be taken to further the use of IT in meeting the
information needs of those working in higher education. Most
recommendations envisage collaborative partnerships between libraries,
academic staff, publishers and others, to promote large scale pilot and
demonstrator projects focusing on the components of a future electronic
library service, and to provide a major stimulus to its creation. Some,
relating to databases, datasets and navigational tools, aim to build on
an existing core programme which has already been developed by the
funding councils through the JISC.
- 273.
- In the discussion which follows, the Review Group has used common
working descriptions of new developments such as the electronic book,
electronic document delivery and electronic journal. It recognises
however that these are imprecise and overlapping concepts, which may
change out of all recognition if and when electronic media come to
predominate over the printed word. At present, they are convenient
labels, and should be treated as such.
- 274.
- For the 'virtual library' to develop and to provide students and
researchers with access to all the information they need, while
remaining at a single terminal, it will be necessary to have the printed
material in electronic (digital) form, and it will also be necessary to
have in place the electronic infrastructure for the delivery of the
digitised material. The review group has considered a number of
measures which might be taken to help these developments
- 275.
- For users such developments would represent a considerable advance,
and would allow them to identify, search, select and read individual
articles at their desks. Not only could material be made available more
easily than in traditional formats, but it could be used much more
flexibly. It would mean in particular that material could be obtained
without the need physically to travel to the library in which it is
- 276.
- As far as libraries are concerned, the trend towards adoption of an
access rather than a holdings strategy - particularly in institutions
new to research - underlines the advantages which electronic delivery of
articles and other documents can bring. It would enable material stored
in one place to be readily transmitted elsewhere, and would thus make
available the resources of the major libraries to other institutions
which do not themselves have extensive holdings in traditional formats.
It would also allow the adaptation of space currently occupied for stock
holding to other uses, and in particular to provide more work space. It
would have a similar benefit for publishers, who would no longer need to
hold significant stocks of material of relatively low use and low
commercial value.
Electronic Document and Article Delivery
- 277.
- The technology necessary to permit the electronic storage and
delivery of documents and articles exists already. For example, the
development of the SuperJANET network will facilitate the delivery of
multimedia documents, images and the full text of articles directly to
individual work stations in different institutions, while the increasing
availability of electronic indexing tools will also make the use of
electronically d documents much easier and more flexible. Given the
major advantages which electronic document delivery can bring to users,
and the potential savings of storage space, the Review Group recommends
that funding of 1 million a year over three years should be provided
through the JISC for the following initiatives:
- a.
- The establishment of subject based consortia to collaborate in
developing electronic document delivery routes.
- b.
- The establishment of metropolitan and regional consortia to
collaborate in similar document delivery services.
- c.
- The development of the necessary technical tools which might be
used by libraries to send and receive electronically transmitted
- 278.
- The details of these proposals will need further development, and
will need to take account, for instance, of work by the British Library,
which is also developing electronic document and article delivery
systems. The Review Group envisage a variety of models, which may
include partnerships with commercial publishers or with learned
Electronic Storage of Books and Journals
- 279.
- The Review group recommends that funding of 0.5 million be made
available by the funding councils to the JISC for a limited number of
large scale subject based demonstration projects to convert into
electronically readable form backruns of journals out of copyright
currently held in university libraries. This should result in
approximately 1,500 digitised volumes across a number of subject areas.
Conditional on the success of these projects, the Group also recommends
that a further 0.5 million be h the JISC to distribute the digitised
product to the HE community and evaluate the outcome. They might also be
made available through other means, such as the British Library.
- 280.
- The objectives of such an initiative would include:
- to ensure that academic libraries are in a position to take full
advantage of, and participate in the development of, electronic document
delivery services, both as recipients of articles and also as potential
suppliers, the latter in the context of wider resource sharing as
discussed in chapter six;
- to stimulate the development and use of compatible systems and
standards more quickly than market forces alone are likely to allow;
- to ensure that users are guided both to the holdings of their own
library and other libraries, as part of an overall electronic document
delivery service;
- 281.
- The benefits for the higher education community of progress in this
area would include improved access to a wider range of materials; faster
delivery of documents; more cost effective use of library resources;
and improved integration of networked bibliographic data and document
delivery services.
- 282.
- Although, technically at least, electronic document and article
delivery is an immediate possibility, its effective use requires several
other issues to be tackled first. One concerns copyright, and the Review
Group has made recommendations about how this can be taken forward. In
addition, fuller consideration needs to be given to how article readers
search for and gain access to information, recognising that this differs
between major disciplines. An important additional dimension is the
different patterns usage in different disciplines.
Electronic Journals
- 283.
- A more radical step (though a development of the proposal for the
conversion of books and journals into electronic form) would be the
successful development of the "electronic journal". Instead of simply
digitising material which is already available in printed form, all
aspects of the preparation, refereeing, assembly and distribution of the
journal and its contents would take place electronically. The term
"electronic journal" covers a range of different formats for journal
publishing, most of which are as yet in early stages of development. The
Review Group has examined some of the prototypes of developments in this
field which have been established in the USA. In comparison this
country, where the technological infrastructure to support the
electronic journal is gradually being put in place in the form of
SuperJANET, is in many ways in a very good position to exploit the
potential of the electronic journal.
- 284.
- Potentially, electronic journals offer many advantages. They could
release valuable space used to store back runs of journals; they could
help to make scholarly communication and the publication of new research
findings quicker and more flexible; and they could enable much more
flexible searching and analysis, as well as selective use, of journal
contents. There are some credible electronic journals in existence, and
many of their users have found that they are proving a stimulating
addition to research communication, and that the benefits of powerful
searching and cross-referencing facilities and of integrating text,
moving images and sound, are considerable.
- 285.
- It is sometimes argued that the main advantage of electronic
journals will be that they will be cheaper than printed ones, and that
they will lead to savings for higher education subscribers. The Review
Group has not formed any conclusion on this, y since so few prototypes
have as yet proved themselves. Much more development work, and proper
commercial analysis, would be required before sensible conclusions could
be reached. What is clear however is that the possibilities of
electronic journal publishing hold other potential benefits, and that
further development should be encouraged on these grounds.
- 286.
- The most significant problems associated with the successful
development of electronic journals are not technological ones. The main
difficulties are twofold. First, within the academic world, a major
difficulty is the current lack of acceptability and status of publishing
in electronic form for the purposes of peer review processes associated
with research funding and individual academic career progression.
Emerging refereed electronic journals will need to attract readers and
top quality papers to reinforce their acceptability. Unless this happens
the technological possibilities will not be exploited. Second, existing
publishers fear that electronic journals will undermine the present
market without offering a reasonable prospect that it will be replaced,
and they also fear loss of control over the contents of journals, which
would threaten their own copyright and that of authors.
- 287.
- The vast majority of journals used by academics in British
universities originate overseas, and it is important to be realistic
about the impact of actions taken in the UK on the development of
electronic journals worldwide. On the other hand, a number of individual
academic and commercial groups - here and overseas - are currently
exploring new journal models. Co-operation with such activities and the
encouragement of further experimentation involving all those concerned
with using, publishing and paying for learned journals could accelerate
understanding of the costs and benefits and the development of viable
long term models.
- 288.
- The Review Group thus recommends that the funding councils should
provide 2 over three years to contribute to the development of a
limited number of refereed electronic journals, paying particular
attention to the choice of partners to ensure that the benefits of
legitimacy, awareness and academic credibility are realised. The work
should be undertaken in cooperation with learned societies, research
councils and other relevant bodies. It should also include the
development of mechanisms to support copyright permissions and payments
to authors and publishers as discussed at the beginning of this chapter.
- 289.
- To help promote the status and acceptability of electronic
journals, the Review Group also recommends that the funding councils
should make it clear that refereed articles published electronically
will be accepted in the next Research Assessment Exercise on the same
basis as those appearing in printed journals.On-Demand Publishing and
the Electronic Book.
- 290.
- Further down the road - both in terms of technology and likely
usage - is the possibility of the fully electronic book. The major
marketplace for this type of publishing would appear on early trends to
be in the leisure, general and reference publishing fields, with little
interest being shown so far in this format by academic publishers.
Indeed, most observers in academic research publishing consider that an
electronic equivalent of the monograph is unlikely to be desirable or
available in the medium term. Nevertheless electronic books have the
potential to make an important impact in due course on learning support.
- 291.
- On-demand publishing is a generic term denoting all circumstances
in which publishers create information which does not require inventory
or conventional distribution techniques, and in which printing becomes
partially or fully the responsibility of the information user. It can
also involve "customisation" where products are tailored to suit the
requirements of individual users . This is also books", where
anthologies of texts, from a variety of sources, are created, and which
effectively represent new books in their own right.
- 292.
- The Review Group has considered whether and if so how on-demand
publishing might address the requirement for simultaneous access by many
students to the same textbooks or to very similar material, which
libraries, however generous their multiple copy provision policy, cannot
solve in a traditional way.
- 293.
- There are a number of overseas projects exploring customised texts
and on-demand publishing. In all cases they require the "book" to be
available in electronic form, often stored in a central location and
available across a network. In order to mount projects of a similar
nature in the UK it will be essential to create mechanisms whereby
copyright permissions are ensured and appropriate payments are made. For
this to succeed, it will be necessary to work in close collaboration
with publishers to ascertain how such mechanisms could best be supported
by new technology; and the proposals which follow thus need to be taken
with those made earlier concerning copyright.
- 294.
- The Review Group recommends that the funding councils should
provide 1 million per year over three years to promote the creation of
digitised texts that can be customised to individual requirements. They
should invite bids for funding to contribute to the costs of projects
which should include:
- a.
- The purchase and/or licensing of software and associated systems,
to be mounted at one or more host universities, to provide a framework
within which on-demand publishing initiatives to support the
requirements of taught course provision could be developed.
- b.
- A system to support access controls, copyright permissions and
payments, to be developed as an integral part of such a pilot service.
- 295.
- The Review Group's proposals are designed to promote the wider use
and acceptability of the electronic book and on-demand publishing. Their
objectives are to create a substantial resource base faster than market
forces would provide and to assist in solving the current high level of
simultaneous demand for undergraduate oriented material. The benefits
would be enjoyed by all user groups. Wide availability of on-line
material would help to improve access to material, make it easier for
students to use, and make it easier for their teachers to provide
flexible, tailored material.
- 296.
- The Review Group does not wish to be prescriptive about those who
might wish to bid to exploit this opportunity. It is envisaged that
commercial publishers, academics, subject consortia, computing
companies, libraries and any combination of these and other interested
parties will wish to put forward proposals
Databases and Datasets
- 297.
- The JISC has already devoted considerable attention to developing a
policy for an integrated dataset service available to institutions and
the research community on subscription over the network, but free at the
point of use to both students and academic staff. The need for a clear
policy on dataset acquisition and service provision has been
demonstrated in recent years in a number of ways through the increasing
number of datasets and their rapidly growing use in all disciplines. The
Review Group strongly endorses the JISC's interest in this question.
- 298.
- A major area for JISC involvement will be the establishment of a
small number of datacentres to hold datasets funded by the JISC and
others, meeting appropriate quality conditions and service definitions.
As part of its policy the JISC intends to maintain a three year
programme for its expenditure on datasets. In keeping with the idea of
the rary as the facilitator of access to information of all kinds,
whether traditional journals or electronic datasets, these costs have
generally and rightly been borne by libraries. It is nevertheless
important that in setting budgets, institutions should take account of
the very substantial and increasing costs relating to the mass provision
of information services, and that appropriate mechanisms are put in
place to meet the costs.
- 299.
- In two areas the Review Group wishes to make additional
recommendations. First, a recent report from the British Academy
proposes the establishment of an Arts and Humanities Datacentre. Given
the absence of a research council for the humanities, the Review Group
recommends that the funding councils should support a feasibility study,
including consultation of the relevant user groups, to consider how this
will fit into their overall dataset strategy and to identify how the
proposal might be taken forward.
- 300.
- Second, the bibliographic database established and maintained by
the Consortium of University Research Libraries (CURL) with the aim of
sharing and reducing cataloguing costs now contains machine readable
data. The university libraries of Cambridge, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Leeds,
London, Manchester and Oxford currently meet its development and running
costs in full. Use of the database for reference only is at present free
to non-members, although charges for use of the full records for
cataloguing purposes by non-members were introduced in 1992. Adoption
and extension of the CURL database would be a valuable contribution to
the Review Group's proposals, set out in chapter six, for a cooperative
approach to research provision, exploiting more fully the research
facilities which currently exist.
- 301.
- The Review Group recommends that the JISC should fund the setting
up, operation, and development costs of the CURL database as a national
OPAC service. This would be mounted at a national datacentre which would
be free at the point of use to the academic community. This must be
linked with a range of additional services including cost inter-library
lending and document supply services to provide a full scale document
delivery service to complement the database. Such services are integral
to and dependent upon the development of the database into an on-line
public access catalogue (OPAC).
Retrospective Conversion of Catalogues
- 302.
- Much unique material, particularly early books and books printed
outside the UK, is often still accessible only through the manual
catalogue systems of libraries. Some consideration was given by the
Review Group to whether there should be a national programme for the
retrospective conversion of catalogues of significant research libraries
and other research collections within smaller libraries.
- 303.
- The Review Group concluded that further analysis of this issue is
required. It recommends that the funding councils should commission
UKOLN to assess whether a national retrospective conversion programme
would be justified and what the implications would be for much wider
access not only to the records so converted, but also to the actual
collections. Particular attention should be paid to the problems of
collections housed in small institutions often least able to fund
significant investment themselves. Such a study would aim to establish
the following:
- a.
- How much retrospective conversion of research collections has been
- b.
- What remains to be done.
- c.
- The benefits that would accrue to users from national investment in
this activity.
- d.
- Any evidence of demand for access to such material which is not
being met at present.
- e.
- The identification of costs, methods of assisting the process, and
sources of funding that might be drawn upon for such activities.
- 304.
- The Review Group recommends that this study should be monitored by
a group of representatives of the academic community, research and other
libraries, the British Library, the British Academy and the research
Awareness and Training
- 305.
- The emergence of the electronic library and the widespread
availability of electronic information provide many opportunities to
enhance the role of librarians in support of learning and research.
However, some librarians are daunted by such a challenge, and
enthusiasms can be dampened where relevant training is not provided. The
development of new skills is particularly important where information is
provided through electronic services accessible over networks. If the
full potential of the investment proposed earlier in this chapter is to
be realised, it must be accompanied by investment in awareness and
- 306.
- Librarians must take advantage of appropriate in-service training,
and they in turn also need to be able train their users to cope with the
vast amount of networked information that is now available. They will
need to develop information retrieval skills and, in particular, to make
effective use of the tools available for searching and retrieval.
- 307.
- The Review Group has been impressed with the model of the ESRC
Network Information Officer, charged with responsibility for raising
awareness and encouraging exploitation of networked information
resources and services by social science researchers. This l should be
adopted, appropriately scaled, to support the main elements of a
national networked information resources training programme for
librarians and information scientists working in academic libraries.
- 308.
- Although in general the Review Group has referred matters
concerning staff training to the CVCP and SCOP, there is a strong case
for more direct action in relation to IT. Accordingly it recommends that
a national training programme should be established with funding of 1
million over three years. This could be provided either by the funding
councils directly, or by subscription; but it is an essential
counterpart to the other expenditure proposed in this chapter, and
represents only a small proportion of it.
- 309.
- The programme would encompass the following areas:
- a.
- Development and provision of in-service training courses and
workshops for librarians in the use of networked information.
- b.
- Development and maintenance of training materials for use by
librarians and others to teach users how to use the network.
- c.
- Promotion and publicity in the use of networked information
- d.
- Network training workshops aimed at groups of users.
- e.
- Collaborative pilot projects to encourage shared use of training
- f.
- Liaison with Schools and Departments of Information Studies on both
initial professional training and on the needs of the profession for
continuing education programmes in this area.
Library Management Systems
- 310.
- The remainder of this chapter deals with issues concerning the
contribution of IT to the internal management of libraries.
New Directions in the Library Automation Industry
- 311.
- In recent years there has been dissatisfaction among academic
librarians about the commercial library management systems on offer.
Although library automation has undoubtedly delivered significant
efficiency gains over the last decade, there is a widespread feeling
that suppliers are proving unresponsive to the changing and expanding
needs of libraries in the 1990s and beyond, and that library systems are
being left behind by developments elsewhere in the computer industry.
- 312.
- This lack of innovation has been particularly evident in relation
to the application of standards; the development of the user interface;
the provision of self-service facilities; the availability of management
information; and the development of applications which interact with
other systems and services.
- 313.
- Much of the apparent unresponsiveness of the library automation
industry can be attributed to the fact that it now stands at a critical
point of change. The current generation of systems, based largely on
closed proprietary technology, has reached the its life, and a new
generation, built around modern industry-standard products, is beginning
to enter the market. This is a difficult and expensive transition for
the industry to make, but there are now signs that the stronger
companies are achieving it.
- 314.
- With the emergence of a new generation of systems, libraries can
have some confidence that at least some developments will occur. There
ought to be dramatic improvements in the user interface, and an increase
in ease of operation and reliability. A wider range of effective
self-service facilities can also be expected to emerge, along with more
effective provision of management information.
- 315.
- Having considered these issues the Group has concluded that there
is no specific need for action by the funding councils.
Gaps in Provision in Library Automation Systems
- 316.
- Although there are now grounds for confidence about the ability of
the industry to deliver a new generation of library automation systems
capable of providing an enhanced level of functionality in the existing
core areas, there are still important areas which are not receiving
adequate attention. These relate to the interaction between the
traditional library management system and external systems and services.
- 317.
- More consideration should be given to the relationship between the
mainstream library automation system and new methods of teaching and
learning. In a future where technology is used much more widely in
teaching and learning, the traditional model of access to information
may change. Instead of the student approaching the library as an
individual in search of material, with access mediated via more or less
sophisticated OPACs, much more information might be pre-processed in the
form of courseware packages or electronic course packs. However, the
potential role of the library automation system not being adequately
- 318.
- Libraries are already vital to independent learning and there is an
increasing demand for the simultaneous use of information in multiple
formats. The Review Group recommends that any further developments based
on the Teaching and Learning Technology Programme (TLTP) or other
initiatives should give explicit attention to the interaction between IT
based learning materials and the developing role of the library in this
- 319.
- The development of a new generation of library automation systems
will certainly ensure that the technical capability to provide better
management information will be present, but the development of resource
management tools and systems will depend on analysis both of the precise
needs of and of the relationship between the library system and other
academic, administrative and financial systems.
- 320.
- The Review Group recommends, that the JISC should fund a study to
explore the development of a Management Information System (MIS)
specification, with the aim of providing libraries with tools to
facilitate quantitative analysis of the full range of their activities,
and to permit more effective management of their resources.
Library Systems and Campus Information Strategies
- 321.
- The preceding paragraphs have identified gaps in library
automation. These gaps point to a general problem of inadequate
integration between library systems on the one hand and institutional
strategies for the management of information (whether academic or
administrative) on the other. This may be in large part the result of a
failure to look at information management from the point of view of the
end-user rather than the provider of information.
- 322.
- The Review recommends that the blueprints for IS strategies being
developed by the JISC, and referred to in paragraphs 267-268 should
include consideration of this desirable integration.
[Contents List]