The Southern Cross Resource Finder (SCRF) is a web-based resource that enables users to discover collections from libraries, archives and museums which hold resources useful for the study of Australia and/or New Zealand. It has been produced by and is maintained by the Menzies Centre for Australian Studies, King's College London.
23 March 2005: UK launch at the Menzies Room, Institute of Commonwealth Studies, London.
28 April 2005: Australian launch at the National Library of Australia (NLA).
Milton Keynes Inspire
The key element of the Milton Keynes Inspire project (initially named the GO:infoMK project) is an online searchable database to promote access to the collections in museums, archives, galleries and libraries in Milton Keynes. It will operate within the framework of INSPIRE England, which aims to provide a seamless cross-sectoral pathway for learning by adults across public, academic, and national libraries.
4 November 2005: Launch at the Open University Library and Learning Resources Centre, Milton Keynes.