Manjula Patel: Publications

[Peer Reviewed Publications]
[Other Publications]
[Selected Project Deliverables]
Peer Reviewed Publications
Lian Ding, Alex Ball, Manjula Patel, Jason Matthews, Glen Mullineux, Lightweight Product Lifecycle
Information Management for Small Enterprises,
International Journal of Product Lifecycle Management (IJPLM), 5(1), pp. 21-36, Jan 2011
Manjula Patel, Alex Ball & Lian Ding, Strategies for the Curation of CAD Engineering Models,
International Journal of Digital Curation, Vol. 4 (1), June 2009 (awarded best peer-reviwed paper IDCC 2008)
Lian Ding, Alex Ball, Jason Matthews, Chris McMahon, Manjula Patel, Annotation of lightweight formats for long-term
product representations,
International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing, July 2009
Manjula Patel & Alex Ball, Challenges and Issues Relating to the Use of Representation Information for the
Digital Curation of Crystallography and Engineering Data,
International Journal of Digital Curation, Vol. 3 (1), August 2008
A. Ball, L. Ding and M. Patel, An approach to accessing product data across system and software revisions,
Advanced Engineering Informatics [ISSN 1474-0346], 22(2), pp. 222–235, April 2008
ScienceDirect: HTML;
(Preprint, Dec 2007)
N. Mourkoussis, M. Patel, M. White,
A framework for the implementation of Application Profiles in XML Schemas,
Journal of Digital Information, Vol 7. Issue 2. October 2006
Manjula Patel, Martin White, Nikolaos Mourkoussis, Krzysztof Walczak, Rafal Wojciechowski,
Jacek Chmielewski,
Metadata Requirements for Digital Museum Environments,
International Journal of Digital Libraries (Special issue on the Digital Museum) 5(3) May 2005
SpringerLink: PDF
T. Baker, M. Dekkers, R. Heery, M. Patel, G. Salokhe,
What terms does your metadata use? Application profiles as machine-understandable narratives,
Journal of Digitial Information, Vol 2. Issue 2. November 2001
Manjula Patel,
Colouration Issues in Computer Generated Facial Animation,
Computer Graphics Forum 14(2) June 1995 pp. 117-126 (Submitted: Nov 1993)
Eurographics Digital Library: PDF;
Wiley Interscience: PDF (abstract)
Manjula Patel, A Method for the Representation, Evaluation and Display of CSG Models in PHIGS and PHIGS+,
Computer Graphics Forum 8(4) Dec 1989 pp337-345
Eurographics Digital Library: PDF;
Wiley Interscience: PDF (abstract)
M. Patel & Roger Hubbold, A Scanline Method for Solid Model Display,
Proceedings EUROGRAPHICS UK 1987 (awarded best paper), Computer Graphics Fourm 6(2) May 1987 pp141-150
Eurographics Digital Library: PDF;
Wiley Interscience: PDF (abstract)
Conferences, Workshops & Symposia
E. Yang, M. Patel, B. Matthews, Scaling Up Scientific Data Management Infrastructure,
In Proceedings UK eScience All Hands Meeting, Cardiff, Wales, 13-16th September 2010:
M. Patel, S. Coles, D. Giaretta, S. Rankin, B. McIlwrath, The Role of OAIS Representation Information
in the Digital Curation of Crystallography Data,
In Proceedings IEEE eScience 2009, Oxford, UK, 9-11th December 2009:
L. Ding, A. Ball, M. Patel, J. Matthews, G. Mullineux, Strategies for the Collaborative use of
CAD Product Models,
Proceedings 17th International Conference on Engineering Design, ICED'09 (awarded ICED'09 Reviewer's
Favorite Certificate), Stanford University, San Francisco, California, 24-27th August 2009
L. Ding, A. Ball, M. Patel, J. Matthews, G. Mullineux, 'PLM on a budget’: Lightweight lifecycle solutions
for small enterprises,
Proceedings 6th International Conference on Product Lifecycle Management (short-listed for best paper),
PLM 2009, University of Bath, Bath, UK, 6-8th July 2009
M. Patel, A. Ball and L. Ding, Strategies for the Curation of CAD Engineering Models,
Proceedings 4th International Digital Curation Conference (awarded best peer-reviewed paper), Edinburgh, UK, 3rd December 2008
PURE: PDF (abstract)
M. Patel, A. Ball, L. Ding, Curation and Preservation of CAD Engineering Models in Product Lifecycle Management,
Proceedings Virtual Systems and MultiMedia (VSMM), Cyprus, Oct 20-26th 2008.
A. Ball, M. Patel, L. Ding, Towards a Curation and Preservation Architecture for CAD Engineering Models,
Proceedings International Conference on the Preservation of Digital Objects (iPRES),London, September 29-30th 2008
M. Patel and A. Ball, Challenges and issues relating to the use of Representation Information for the digital curation of Crystallography and Engineering data,
Proceedings 3rd International Digital Curation Conference, December 2007, Washington DC
(International Journal of Digital Curation, Vol. 3 (1), August 2008:
L. Ding, A. Ball, J. Matthews, C. McMahon, M. Patel,
Product Representation in Lightweight Formats for Product Lifecycle management(PLM),
Proceedings Fourth International Conference on Digital Enterprise Technology (DET 2007), 19-21 September 2007, Bath, UK
L. Ding, W.D. Li, C.A. McMahon, M. Patel, Lightweight Representations for Product Lifecycle Management,
Proceedings Virtual Concept 2006, Cancún, Mexico, Nov 27th-Dec 1st 2006
David Giaretta, Stephen Rankin, Brian McIllwrath, Adam Rusbridge, Manjula Patel,
Representation Information for Interoperability Now and with the Future,
Proceedings MSST 2005, pp54-58, International IEEE Symposium on Mass Storage and Systems, Sardinia, Italy, 20-24th June 2005
IEEE Computer Society Digital Library: HTML (abstract)
Manjula Patel, Krzysztof Walczak, Fabrizio Giorgini, Martin White,
A Cultural Heritage Repository as Source for Learning Materials,
Proceedings Proceedings VAST 2004, The 5th International Symposium on Virtual Reality,
Archaeology and Cultural Heritage, Brussels, Belgium, 7-10th December 2004
VAST 2004: PDF
Martin White, Nikolaos Mourkoussis, Joe Darcy, Panos Petridis,
Fotis Liarokapis, Paul Lister, Manjula Patel, Krzysztof Walczak, Rafal Wojciechowski,
Wojciech Cellary, Jacek Chmielewski, Miroslaw Stawniak, Wojciech Wiza,
James Stevenson, John Manley, Fabrizio Giorgini, Patrick Sayd, Francois Gaspard,
ARCO -An Architecture for Digitization, Management and Presentation of Virtual Exhibitions,
Proceedings Computer Graphics International, Hersonissos, Crete, Greece, 16-19th June 2004
IEEE Xplore Digital Library: PDF
Manjula Patel & Monica Duke,
Knowledge Discovery in an Agents Environment,
In: Christoph Bussler, John Davies, Dieter Fensel, & Rudi Studer, (eds.),
The Semantic Web: research and applications, first European Semantic Web Symposium,
ESWS 2004, Heraklion, Crete, Greece, May 10-12, 2004;
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 3053, Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag, 2004, pp. 121-136. ISBN 3-540-21999-4
Springerlink: PDF
Nicholas Mourkoussis, Martin White, Manjula Patel, Jacek Chmielewski & Krzysztof Walczak,
AMS: metadata for cultural exhibitions using virtual reality,
Proceedings Dublin Core Conference 2003: Supporting Communities of Discourse and
Practice - Metadata Research and Applications, Seattle, Wa., USA, 28th Sept.-2nd Oct. 2003
DC 2003: PDF
Manjula Patel, Martin White, Patrick Sayd, Krzysztof Walczak,
Digitisation to Presentation -Building Virtual Museum Exhibitions,
Proceedings Vision, Video and Graphics 2003, 10-11th July 2003
Manjula Patel & Robina Clayphan,
Project BIBLINK: Linking Publishers and National Bibliographic Agencies,
Proceedings Internet Librarian 2000, March 2000, London
Manjula Patel & Philip Willis,
FACES: The Facial Animation, Construction and Editing System,
Proceedings EUROGRAPHICS '91, UK, September 1991
Eurographics Digital Library: PDF
M. Patel & Roger Hubbold, A Scanline Method for Solid Model Display,
Proceedings EUROGRAPHICS UK 1987 (awarded best paper), Computer Graphics Fourm 6(2) May 1987 pp141-150
Eurographics Digital Library: PDF;
Wiley Interscience: PDF (abstract)
M. Patel, S. Coles, L. Lyon,
Curation and Preservation of Crystallography Data,
Proceedings 5th International Digital Curation Conference,
"Moving to Multi-Scale Science: Managing Complexity and Diversity",
London, UK, 2-4th December 2009
IDCC 2009 poster: PDF
IDCC 2009 abstract (page 8): PDF
A. Ball, L. Ding, M. Patel,
Lightweight Formats for Product Model Data Exchange and Preservation,
Proceedings PV 2007: Ensuring the Long-Term Preservation and Value Adding to
Scientific and Technical Data, Oberpfaffenhofen, Germany, Oct 2007
UKOLN: PDF (display version)
PV 2007: PDF (proceedings version);
Alex Ball, Lian Ding, Manjula Patel,
Curating Digital Engineering Documents,
Proceedings 2nd International Digital Curation Conference, Glasgow, November 2006
IDCC 2006: PDF
Stavros Christodoulakis, Polyxeni Arapi, Nektarios Moumoutzis, Manjula Patel, Sarantos Kapidakis, Lina Bountouri, Tonia Arahova,
Interoperability of eLearning applications with audiovisual digital libraries,
ECDL 2005, European Conference on Digital Libraries 2005,
Vienna, Austria, 18-23rd September 2005
David Giaretta, Manjula Patel, Adam Rusbridge, Stephen Rankin, Brian McIlwrath,
Supporting e-Research Using Representation Information,
Fourth E-Science All Hands Meeting, Nottingham, UK, 19-22nd September 2005
E-Science All Hands 2005: PDF;
Manjula Patel, Concensus based ontology harmonisation,
International Semantic Web Conference 2002, Sardinia, Italy, 10-12th June 2002
Other Publications
Neil Beagrie, Monica Duke, Catherine Hardman, Dipak Kalra, Brian Lavoie, Manjula Patel, Liz Lyon, Matthew Woollard,
The KRDS Benefit Analysis Toolkit: Development and Application,
International Journal of Digital Curation, Vol 7(2) pp 64-67, December 2012
Alexander Ball, Michael Day and Manjula Patel,
The Fifth International Conference on Preservation of Digital Objects (iPRES 2008) [Event Report],
International Journal of Digital Curation, Vol 3(2), December 2008
Alexander Ball and Manjula Patel,
2nd International DCC Conference 2006: Digital Data Curation in Practice [Event Report],
ARIADNE Issue 50, January 2007
Alex Ball, Manjula Patel, Chris McMahon, Steve Culley, Stuart Green, John Clarkson,
A Grand Challenge: Immortal Information and Through-Life Knowledge Management (KIM),
International Journal of Digital Curation, Vol. 1, November 2006
Maureen Pennock, Manjula Patel, Emma Tonkin,
Digital Applications for Cultural and Heritage Institutions (Ed. J. Hemsley et al) [Book Review],
Program: Electronic Library and Information Systems Journal, Vol 40(4), ISSN 0033-0337, October 2006
Emerald Insight (subscription required): HTML
Maureen Pennock and Manjula Patel,
Digital Preservation Coalition Forum on Web Archiving [Event Report],
ARIADNE Issue 48, July 2006
Manjula Patel,
References to Ontology Services,
Technical Report, February 2004
Monica Duke & Manjula Patel,
An Ontology Server for the Agentcities.NET Project,
Technical Report, October 2003
Manjula Patel,
Fourth Open Archives Forum Workshop - In Practice, Good Practice: The Future of Open Archives [Event Report],
ARIADNE Issue 37, October 2003
Manjula Patel.
Managing Digitial Video Content [Event Report],
ARIADNE Issue 29, October 2001
Rachel Heery & Manjula Patel,
Application Profiles: Mixing and matching metadata schemas,
ARIADNE Issue 25, September 2000
Selected Project Deliverables
Manjula Patel,
I2S2 Project Requirements Report,
WP1 Foundational Principles, I2S2 Project, July 2010
I2S2 Project website: PDF
Manjula Patel,
Representation Information for Crystallography Data,
WP4: Repositories, Preservation and Sustainability, eCrystals Federation Project, 19th May 2009
eCrystals wiki: PDF
Manjula Patel,
Preservation Planning for Crystallography Data,
WP4: Repositories, Preservation and Sustainability, eCrystals Federation Project, 25th June 2009
eCrystals wiki: PDF
Manjula Patel,
Preservation Metadata for Crystallography Data,
WP4: Repositories, Preservation and Sustainability, eCrystals Federation Project, 3rd September 2009
eCrystals wiki: PDF
M. Patel and S. Coles,
A Study of Curation and Preservation issues in the eCrystals Data Repository and proposed federation, eBank-UK, Phase 3, WP5, September 2007
eBank-UK website: PDF
Patel M., Koch T., Doerr M., Tsinaraki C.,
Semantic Interoperability in Digital Library Systems,
DELOS2 WP5 Task 5.3 Deliverable D5.3.1, February 2005
MSc Thesis: A Scanline Method for Solid Model Display
PhD Thesis:
Making FACES: The Facial Animation, Construction and Editing System